(no subject)

Oct 19, 2004 19:59

let see
call me the pussy pumper...
check my back you might find claw marks

but N E WAYS.... I went to work saturday and apparently my cousin had a hangover...fuckin drunkards...it was also his homecoming night...he goes to Nova...but after work he was jus gonna go to the after parties.
I worked sunday for Barry cuz it was Tyler's B-Day and they did there thing. The first thing was a Scavenger Hunt. The Idea kinda does sound kiddy/corny but I mean driving all around town, having fun look for these items, and jus spendin time with friends is I guess the idea and it sounds fun. Work was sooooo busy sunday. We had over 300 customers...and Mike said that sometimes we get 600. Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. But Yea.hmmmm. Monday was Monday. Practice was blah...and I didnt feel like doin SHYYYYT. But o well. Germain tried to get in my face and gave me the pussiest push ever so I wasnt finna waste my time and sat my ass down. I jus sat there and cracked on him. O well.

I had a nice ass conversation yesterday with Jessica and Nicole. She comin back in November. I learned alot about Jessica. hmmm

today fuckin Germain did fuckin DIP..that shits sooooooooooo nasty...hes no longer on the black team. Hes been cut!! I bet if I tell Leandra he wont do it again. Today was a blah day again but I wanted to have fun though. So I did.

Now I am home...talked to one of my ex-girl friends... and now Im updating...and now im done...
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