So I was thinking today about where my life is headed. I came to the realization that all of my past dreams of actually doing something with my life came to an end because of other peoples opinions. Maybe if I didn't listen to what people thought and just did what I wanted to do I wouldn't be stuck here in this situation.
Then again I'm kinda glad I didn't follow that road. I probably would have had a well-paying job, a husband, and a few kids by the time I turn 25. As nice as that sounds, thinking about it now, I'd rather be a hobo living in some abandoned bus with a guy who I actually love and not have to worry about kids, marriage, or a job.
I've been asking myself where I want to go and what I want to do with my time. I just recently realized that I shouldn't sit around wondering what it is I want to do. I should just go and do something. It's not even a question of what I want to do anymore. It's more like what am I going to do? What am I going to see? Will I be happy or sad? You can't always be happy, so trying to figure out what you want to do is impossible. Even if you think you have it all figured out, something will happen that will change your direction. That's life, it's unpredictable. So in the next few months I'm going to try to keep my head up and see what happens.