
Apr 22, 2014 17:17

Took the kids to the dentist today. It was Liam's 1st visit. Having insurance is awesome. We can make the dentist a regular thing.

Last time Keith's teeth were horrid. He wasn't brushing properly and not flossing at all. But really he's a 10 yo boy.

This time the dentist was impressed. Keith's made a conscience effort to brush better and longer (we invested in a timer from dollar tree) and he's been using those plastic flosses when he brushes. One of his front teeth is crooked and pushed out due to a baby tooth that held on too long so he will for sure need braces.

Last time the dentist wouldn't even give a referral cuz Keith's teeth were so gross. He said the orthodontist wouldn't even look at his teeth until he could keep them clean. Today tho we walked out with a referral in hand! Dunno how I feel about getting him braces this young. I'm afraid he'll need them again after he gets all his adult teeth.

Abby has 2 cavities that need to be filled :(. She also has a funky looking tooth growing in next to her front top tooth. It looked like a molar was growin in instead of an incisor. But, they did an X-ray and apparently she has an extra tooth up there and the extra tooth is the one that is growin in. They have to remove it so the proper adult tooth can grow in. They are gonna give her nitrous oxide during the procedure so that should be interesting...

Liam did very well. He was nervous at first but that's to be expected. He let the hygienist do her thing then let the dentist look in his mouth and put fluoride on them. I had been concerned about 2 of his baby teeth that look like they grew in kinda cockeyed. They look wedged against each other and there's no space between them. Today we learned that the 2 teeth are fused together but when he loses them the adult teeth will grow in normal. Weird.

I blame all this tooth weirdness on sean. The strangest thing about my teeth is a slight overbite.

My father in law came with us and kept Evan in the waiting room. It really made a difference having another set of hands to help! Evan just slept in his car seat and my father in law just starred at him. They made a good team!

via ljapp

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