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Oct 10, 2011 12:57

ROFL.... /bɹo˙ʇxǝʇdıןɟ˙ʍʍʍ//:dʇʇɥ

Masto: So, x_x, what are you planning to do after ice cream?
x_x: Well, Tock's going to Thailand to play golf and fuck some Thai hookers. And I guess I'll fuck one or two people from club if they're hot 'n' sexy.
Masto: That's...great. But I meant job-wise.


But yeah, ice cream season is OVER \o/! Which means I get to enjoy flier-delivering/jobhunting again /o\! I never got good at it, but I was decent enough that they let me stay the whole season. And you know me and Tock? The dude's my boyfriend now LOL. So things worked out on that. I was iffy on a relationship, since I'm awful at monogamy, but then he said he wanted an open relationship. WHATTHEPERFECT LAWLAWL?

I had stuff planned for posting ;~; like Beverly: The Show Writers' Easy Way Out Of Cirex and What Makes Holiday A Sue and The Gatlex Ship Manifesto and maybe, MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE I'll do those...but for now...with the spare time I finally have...I just wanna write. T^T And doodle. And just be a casual fangirl and not work hard at anything. So no analytical posts for now. I wanna see if I can get some vids/fic/art done! But the ship manifesto for Gatlex is indeed tempting. <3 <3 <3 I still love those two together. But I think MOA is angry with me.

MOA: x_x, you don't participate in comm discussions anymore and don't even tune in to watch GRex on air.
x_x: :Da But you'll forgive me and bring back Gatlocke?
MOA: No. We're going to kick Circe to Hong Kong and bring in a girl whom Rex will unquestionably be twitterpated with from the get-go.
x_x: ▔ ▕ ▖ ▗ ▘ ▙ ▚ ▛ ▜ ▝ ▞ ▟
MOA: Also, as a definitive "fuck you", it's going to be Holiday's sister.

Idk how I feel about Beverly. :/ She's the baby-figure I've been wanting for Holiday to be all like "GRR D<" protective over, but…uh…if Circe was dropped fo dis bitch then we might have a problem. Who knows-- MoA sure likes ganking us around by the chain /o;;;. If Circe was never meant to be the main love interest and was always meant to be a side-character, it sure explains the writers' terrible handling of her character and I could not be more fucking disappoint.


Rex: Hanging out with Bev kinda made me realize that Holiday's too…old for me.
x_x: im 12 n wat is this

No. Really. Despite being around Circe, Annie, Kenwyn, and whoever the fuck else younger than Holiday is lined up to suck your cock by now, suddenly Bev is thrown into the picture and you're like "Hm, I should be into girls my own age"?

And people say SLASH doesn't make any sense?!

...Suddenly, I'm an impassioned cartoon nerd again. That was quick. /o;;; I think it's time to take to TextEdit <3! Or the pole.

thrill me, bringing home the bacon

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