
Jul 09, 2005 18:39

thanks to the cosmic power of the emerald weapon the book of the dead kept by the dark angel is now open, and the rites of blood are about to begin ( Read more... )

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Wyruld-Cyninga! BLODU OK JARNA!!!!! anonymous July 17 2005, 08:41:19 UTC
"Behold glorious Hyperborea, gleaming jewel of the north; an eon-veiled kingdom forever steeped in ancient legendry and the renown of its marital splendour...but of late, an ill wind whispers malignly through its opulent labyringh of marbled citadels ( ... )


Wyruld-Cyninga! BLODU OK JARNA!!!!! anonymous July 17 2005, 08:44:20 UTC
The Last Stand Against Chaos ( ... )


Wyruld-Cyninga! BLODU OK JARNA!!!!! anonymous July 17 2005, 08:46:07 UTC
And the Chaos-Liege summoned the remnants of his cackling wraith-horde, commanding the unholy brood to once more hurl itself like a black tide against the now bloodied but still razor edged steel of the grim survivors of Hyperborea. With the enchantments of the Ninth Crystal still crackling in the air about the Shrine, the incorporeal frames of the wraiths were once more transmogrified into squamous pseudo-flesh, and thus vulnerable to the biting blades of the King's depleted war-host. Rallying his forces once more, the Royal Scion of Hyperborea clove into the massed hordes of nethermost horror, his ensorcelled ebon blade hewing five-score left and five-score right, leaving a vicious and noxious trail of sundered fiends in his wake. The Arch-Wraith of Lord Angsaar, that same bestial horror which had smitten the King and seized the Crystal of Mera from his gauntleted fist, swooped screaming from the crimson sky in a bid to extinguish the life-force of the Hyperborean monarch, but the benighted blade of the King was swifter ( ... )


Wyruld-Cyninga! BLODU OK JARNA!!!!! anonymous July 17 2005, 08:48:37 UTC
The Return Of The Immortal ( ... )


Wyruld-Cyninga! BLODU OK JARNA!!!!! anonymous July 17 2005, 08:50:16 UTC
And a great stillness descended over the Field of Blood. Grimly, slowly, the King held aloft the Shadow-Sword and spoke those baleful words of power which had been forever branded indelibly upon his soul. Writhing tendrils of night-dark, coruscating energy lanced from the surface of the blade, entwining the King in a pulsating chrysalis of searing sorcerous power. His eyes shone deep crimson with an illumatory radiance not born of this world, and the forces which had lain dormant since before the fall of the Third Moon stirred at last from their aeons-old slumber ( ... )


Wyruld-Cyninga! BLODU OK JARNA!!!!! anonymous July 17 2005, 08:52:07 UTC
Altarus: "And thus was etched into the eternal codex of the heavens the immortal legend of the Hyperborean Empire ( ... )


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