Jun 09, 2005 12:27
Fill this out niggas
Hair (color and style):
1. Where would we go on dates?:
2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists?:
3. Do you drink/smoke?:
4. Do you like the beach?:
5. If so...would you go with me late at night?:
6. Do you like movies?:
7. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night?:
8. If you were to take me out to a movie would we watch the movie?:
9. If not what would we be doing?:
10. Do you play an instrument?:
11. If so...what?:
12. Would you call me right after we saw each other to make sure i made it home alright?:
13. How would you rate your hugs from 1-10?:
14. Favorite body part on a girl?:
15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself?:
16. Do you have any reputations (ie: heartbreaker, player, slut)?:
17. Would you give me kisses just because?:
~What would you do if...~:
I cried:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I wanted to have sex with you:
I touched your ass:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I got dumped:
I pissed you off:
~What Do You Think Of My...~:
Choice of music:
~Would You...~:
Be my friend:
Tell me the truth no matter what:
Buy me a birthday gift:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Go out at 4 a.m. to get me chocolate:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Keep in touch:
Make me a snack:
Try and solve my problems:
Love me:
Makeout with me:
Hold me in times of need:
Ditch me:
Use me:
Ask me out:
Date me:
Have sex with me:
Makeout with me whenever you had the chance:
Hold me and make my problems go away: