Meme : Your* Mixed Tape

Aug 27, 2008 17:18

Your* Mixed Tape

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life, meme, music, love

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x_wearebroken August 28 2008, 15:20:15 UTC
Kelly, that song actually made me tingle. And it takes ALOT for me to say anything but 'meh' when I hear a song for the first time.
It reminds me of the kinda thing someone would use to describe there life, like have you ever seen 'The Holiday'? Its like they're tune.
Jesus, I'm actually still all shocked by it.

Urgh, dont talk about Alex ahah that poor boy 99% of the time it was just 'why were you crying' 'are you crying now AGAIN?' 'stop crying yoour making me feel like an asshole' 'crying' 'crying' ahaha.

oh god I actualy laughed out loud at the bangable thing, although I don't find him attractive at all its still halarious.

You don't know CAB songs?! they're like the most ridiculously easy songs to pick up. I do this thing where I dont even realise I learn the words and then my mum is like 'do you like that song' and I'm like its okay and she just looks at me weird becuase I knew every word.

But seriously the cab songs are like -snaps fingers- that easy. I already know most of the words to DAF and I only listened to it like twice because I hate it.

sorry I just thought I should point that out.

I'm not sure abouot The Morning Light.
Song's like Honest Mistake are good, but I'd never be able to sit down and just LISTEN to them. I don't think.

I don't really see anything going for them that makes me WANT to listen to them. ahahah HOW WEIRD steel train just came on as I said that. -eyes to heaven-



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x_wearebroken August 28 2008, 18:25:45 UTC
I hate when that happens.
I mean it always happens to me when its somthing EPIC. It's even worse when you have a livejournal post and then BAM.
I always want to literly kill mr.Livejournal.

Doing the second thing first, is much better then the first thing first becuas atleast your throwing people off. I mean what good is the world if we ALWAYS know whats coming?! ahaha.

You think this is bad?!
I always end up like literrly having to post like two post's on people's meme's and stuff becuase I just clearly can never shut up, especialy if its about music.

I added the song to my myspace, and I keep going on and just LISTENNING you know like LISTENING.
I hate when people say you cant listen to music differntly but you so can.
Like you can let music be that noise that just covers up the silence or you can really LISTEN and with songs like that you have to becuase it captures you in.

I already emailed like five of my friends with it because I think the whole world needs to hear it, and I actually love you for giving it to me.

everytime I talk about him I start crying because of how epic it all was, I had wrote up a recap and then just private posted it becuase I just keep crying I'm such a sap. It's ridiculous really how just a normal peorson can turn yoou into such a spazz.

Oh god keep her away from my sister.
If I even like say his name she like physicaly hurts me.

I honest to god don't see how ANYONE can find ANY part of him attractive. Actually his drumming alone makes him epic but not FANCYABLE. -shudders-

I honestly don't find any of them ATTRACTIVE.
Like if they were walking down the street I'd be like HOLA! but that's about it. Which is strange for me becuase normally I never like a band THIS much and noot find atleast one of them attractive.

Oh god how dare he put you through that.
I hate that your friends with them
I still love you though, becuase your so epic.
I'm just so jelous.

I promise I will look into them.
Well not literly becuase that would involve blood and being in america and finding them.
I don't do blood, and I'm sorry but since I panic attack on plains, I aint doing a 15 hour flight unless they'res a cab at the end of the flight.


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x_wearebroken August 29 2008, 06:43:31 UTC
This reply is to epic to be replied to at like 7:42 am when I have to go get ready for school and then work after.
I'll reply tonight when I can handle it.


x_wearebroken August 31 2008, 16:02:08 UTC
Okay, now I need to find topless pictures of Johnson.
When I hear 'topless' and 'the cab' I just think of Sonny. Seriously I'm in love with that guy. It's not even funny anymore.

I still cant see it though, just because its johnson -shivers-

Oh god isn't it awful that your only friends with SOME of the members of the cab. -kicks- I hate you seriously. ahaha. I hate Singer, ahahah he made me cry so much over in america its not even funny. And not like hoow marshall made me cry {which I didnt enjoy he called me out on EVERYTHING 'were you seriously crying that first night, I looked over and you were just crying. He's lovely} he like full on I hate the world made me cry.

I really dislike offstage Alex.
Its like in Twilight, I have 'alex' and 'offstage alex'.

I kinda want to look right into them now, just becuase it would be kinda awesome for it to physicaly be possible. I've been listening to them alog recently and I do like them. They're nothing magical though if you get me.

I really want to see them again, and freaking STEEL TRAIN. Id cry with happy tears.


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x_wearebroken August 31 2008, 17:39:36 UTC
I didnt mean it like that! I was on the sarcasm train with a jelousy ticket!
Marshall is so lovely he has to get on with EVERYONE.

You keep making me think of half naked Johnson now, I dont see why he dosent just play topless, Cash seems to be able to do it easly enough.

{lol how funny would it be if he was and then was like 'cool if they want it i'll do it from now on'}

Oh god.
I'd love that.

Sorry you may have realised by now, that I am in NO way realistic, especially not when it comes to the CAB.

Urgh. Don't bother with him, if you have Marshall you don't need Alex!

Ok, half of me is telling you to go straight away and read it purley because I feel in love with the characters, but the part of me that studies english is screaming PLESASE STAY THE FUCK AWAY OR YOU'LL CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP.

I swear, it has like no sense of correct grammer, or the use of English language at all.

It's ALWAYS the same, its like 'alex said' WHICH ONE?!
I always call Marshall Marshall and I have no idea why becuase when I was talking to him he was always 'alex' in to me.

Calling 'singer', alex is just an old habbit. I always called him Alex, but now its just like that one in the band -points to the one slutting the crowd-

have fun in work!


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x_wearebroken September 2 2008, 19:01:20 UTC
It's okay, saracasm and ironic terms are so hard on the internet train.
Sorry I like trains. And tickets. ahaha.

Cash topless -vomits-
I honestly don't actually want to see ANY of them topless.
Except ever since I spoke to Alex I kinda want to touch him inapropreatly, but I don't think this is the time or place to talk about this. . . .

I love Ian's dove, your talking about the dove right?!
I was like you have to show me properly, becuase I'm sick of people asking to see mine.

EW IF I WANTED TO SEE SINGER CHEST ID ASK A TODLER TO TAKE OFF HIS TANGTOP. {please excuse all pedoness in above sentence}

Heard mixed about Singer?! Honest to god he's bipolar, Alex was like falling around the place laughing at my theory of Deleon. {he asked by the way I wasnt just like I THINK THIS} But he honest to god either breaks my heart with sweetness, or makes me want to break his face with assholeness. The night of -thinks- okay I've no idea what night it was, but the night I was butthurt at him, I literly just like stood at the show through the whole thing with my arms crossed {well except for when alex whole 'hand behind the ass high five' thing he did when he told me to dance more} but honestly it takes ALOT for me to do ANYTHING other then fangirl at a cab gig.

'when I was sending him emails' <- - have I told you I hated you?!
I don't know if I like 'Marshall' or not, not like Marshall the boy, Marshall the name. I mean Johnson is Johnson and he's NEVER been Alex to me ever ever everr everr {you get the picture}.

But Marshall he's been Marshall and Alex and it's like half of my head on stage he's Alex, and in real life he's Marshall. If that makes sense?!
I don't know.

I think this is the largest, longest, looniest conversation I've ever had on livejournal.


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x_wearebroken September 3 2008, 15:00:21 UTC
Trains, that are steel?! Like a steel train. Sorry bad joke, I'd totaly get on it if Justin was on it, I'd probably like get on the train and never get off actually.

Cash is like a todlerr, seriously when he was staanding on the ramp of there trailer he was STILL smaller then me, I was laughing so hard!

Urgh, yes ALEX MARSHALL, I'm working on your words so you know who I'm on about, as in Alex, Johnson & Singer.

I don't really like the dove, like I love dove's and I love Ian but I just think it could be ALOT better. Like the design.
But thats just me, whoo is a creep when it comes to the way I like tattoo's.

the thoughts of it, makes me want to vomit.
I have to admit his photoraphs from Hawaii with Logan arn't that bad, and he's topless in quite a few.

The title works, well it did for me anyway.
He seems like the kinda person who you literly have to like email 5 times before he even remembers you emailed him, not like nastly but just becuase its him.

I only see a differnce between on stage and offstage Singer really. I mean Marshall was just a sweet befoore the set when he was talking and stuff, but then once he starts playing I'm like DIFFERNT PERSON DIFFERNT PERSON and I cant talk and just go in AW of his playing.

One night, I think it was Jack Rabbits I was talking to him while they were like setting up and singer messed with somthing and I looked horrified and marshall was like whats up and I was like he cant touch your keyboard its like your thing. And he was like you havnt seen anything yet and start playing this AMAZING bit.

Argh I actually started crying, which he thought was halarious but oh my god. He was amazing. I love watching him play he just -die- not even the fact that he's hot, I'm not talking about that AT ALL just the way he -dies-.

Okay moving on swiftly.




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x_wearebroken September 4 2008, 19:34:54 UTC

Oh my god! How can he be taller then you?! Like everyone I met I was like ERM...GROW. Except I have to admit, Sonny, Chris & Marshall wern't THAT small. Mabye I'm asking for to much when I say I like tall people when I'm like 6ft1 when I'm not slouching.

-is tempted to post topless pictures-
I swear they're delicious NOT THAT BAD.

'sees somthing shiny' ahahaha.
Oh kelly.
Your fucking halarious.
I totaly think its halarious that he could be that dense though, he seems so hyperactive that I totally think he is.

You see im normally one of those fangirls. No okay I'm being sarcastic the whole time I just kept crying worrying everyone thought I was such a fangirl JUST becuase we qued for like hours, and then were like front row everynight and stuff. I couldnt stand at the back, I dont know why like even during the other bands when I saw the cab mulling around the back I was like MUST STAY UP FRONT SO IM HERE FOR THE CAB.

I wish I could just loook cool like you, ahaha.

I'm not sure, I havn't ever heard it before, and I've sadly seen him soundcheck a MILLION times [youtube]. -shrugs-

It nearly made me cry whatever it was.

In other news, I'm kinda falling steadly in love with The Morning Light.
I have Books and Letters on reapeat as I type.


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x_wearebroken September 5 2008, 15:21:30 UTC
I wish I was tiny. Can we swap please?!
I'll just send you over like a foot.
5"1 would be a happy height for me after all these years of being tall.

You see Johnson to me is like Singer to you. I always kinda just never talk to him, okay I spoke to him a few times but not like I did with the rest of them so I barley remember what he said never mind how tall he is.

The thoughts of Deleon walking into people and doing anything other then falling over is halarious to me. He's such a small dude.

I am a fangirl its okay, just one that isnt in it to sleep with the band.
The funniest thing is if anything the thing im MOST gratefull for, with the cab is the friends they've brought me.


that song.
Okay that wasnt what he played but JESUS.
I'm the biggest sucker for piano, that song I nearly want to take out the vocals because it just dosent need them!

Your utterfly fabulous with music choice!


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