Apr 07, 2004 22:26
school was good ..
especially lunch :]
jimmy got me a birthday
blunt ((which we smoked
at lunch)) then in bio
we had to fuck wit a
nasty worm lol & study
hall was real fun. i got
cookies & iced tea.
«-aFtEr sChOoL*
chilled at the shed of
course. we smoked a total
of 6 blunts for mine &
julie's b-day. we also
started cleaning out the
other half of it & got a
lot done & we had cake :]
then me & jule drove around
with jason, anthony, & dan,
then rob which was fun.
*bEsT BiRtHdAy eVeR .. tHaNkS gUyS!
all my love,
.. hill ..