Title: Fallen Pairings: Jaemin, Yoosu Rating: R Summary: One of the meanings of fallen. Actions and consequences. Me being vague in the summary again... ^^ ch.1 || ch.2
omgosh i thought i was the only one who wiggle-danced in my chair! i didn't even think about the window-hopping yet. now I'm thinking it would make a great one shot. the thought of anything with dark lighting and minonjae or jaeonmin makes my brain melt.
The other part of the punishment. There was Jaejoong, who would be destined to never find love. Yoochun himself would find love over and over, and each time, would lose that love.
Okay, I knew there has to be some catch to this. But the punishments are very fitting, aren't they? Chunnie is so emo. And Jae & clubs always have an affinity for each other.
Comments 30
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I was surprised I had this chapt this soon too!
So that's why Junsu saw what he saw ...they're neighbors. I forsee yoochun window hopping in the near future? :D~
The thought of club!Min makes my brain go *sproink* XD it always has. I can't wait to see how him and jae react to each other eheheheh!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ for you!~~!
i didn't even think about the window-hopping yet. now I'm thinking it would make a great one shot.
the thought of anything with dark lighting and minonjae or jaeonmin makes my brain melt.
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LOL. I'll take that as a good thing.
loved this to death...so creative!(yet again)
Actually, I really don't. I only have this planned up to like the fifth chapter. ^^
Okay, I knew there has to be some catch to this. But the punishments are very fitting, aren't they? Chunnie is so emo. And Jae & clubs always have an affinity for each other.
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