Fic - Nectar

Apr 09, 2007 21:16

Title: Nectar.
Rating: PG-13

And Junsu says that he doesn't need an explanation for inspiration. It happens like the click of a camera - instantly, capturing something beautiful. He doesn't need to explain where this comes from. This.

And the thing is. The others won't have to know either.

But it usually has to do with you.

You, Yoochun. You are so stupid sometimes. You're putty in his hands and he knows just how to work you to get something out of you. Something so gorgeous that he has to claim it and call it his own. And you. Oh you, Yoochun. You are so blind.

But I know it's because you choose to be.

You let the man dance around you, fluttering from your fingers tips like notes from your piano. And just like how you mastered that instrument, he has mastered you. He strokes you just the right way to make that perfect sound come out of you. He coos the melody out of you until the very last dry note dribbles out.

Oh, Yoochun, you should hear yourself when you're with him.

When he's got you under him, you inside him, and you're just opening up like a flower in bloom. Your bodies make disgusting slapping sounds together - he thinks so at least. You, you just grab onto his hips, his name sweet nectar on your lips. He licks it off and leaves you with a single drop, just enough to survive.

And you spill another song for him.

p:yoochun/junsu, *type:drabble/flashfic

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