(no subject)

Jan 21, 2011 17:28

Who: Red X, Ace, Open
What: Ace has decided to take up Raven's advice and has started meditating. But will it have the desired affects...?
When: Early evening
Where: Somewhere in Metropolis
Rating: PG-13, but subject to change!

Somewhere amidst the towering skyscrapers, near the heart of Metropolis stood a castle. Decrepit and nearly covered completely in creeping vines and moss, it looked as if it had been there in ages. Stuck in a different era of time as the world around it advanced and changed. But despite it's appearances, anyone who had spent their entire life in this once wondrous city would tell you that this castle had never been there before. It was completely new, seeming to have suddenly appeared there one day overnight.

The culprit responsible for this giant structure made of stone and Earth appearance? A young girl by the name of Ace.

At the advice of another, she had constructed the castle to seclude herself from the rest of the world, in an attempt to meditate. Whatever it was she saw in her trances, she could never make sense of. Something of them were familiar, others were stranger and unusual. But whether or not she was any step closer to curing what had been done to her, she didn't know.

In the silence of the castle's inner courtyard Ace sat, upon the seat of her much beloved swing set. The feeling of someone approaching causing her to lift gaze, and lower the drawbridge of castle gate for them; as if welcoming them to enter.

ace of clubs, red x

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