Knock Knock...

Jan 13, 2011 22:10

Who: Red X; Open
What Red X breaks into S.T.A.R. Labs. He then threatens an old friend at knife-point.
When: The same night as Joker's show.
Where: S.T.A.R. Labs
Rating: R - Violence
Status: CLOSED

Joker's little late-night fiasco had just gotten started, as Red X exited his teleportation field just outside of the S.T.A.R. Lab's northern window, on the rooftop. He had already engaged his stealth fields, landing silently on two legs. Luckily, the surveillance cameras didn't seem to be equipped with thermal sensors; at least, not on the outside. No worries. Red X had cracked harder security than this place. Besides, Red X had no powers of his own; he would not be registered by sensors as a meta-human. Score one for technology and natural finesse.

Red X had timed his infiltration of the building just as the guards changed shifts. Using his stealth field, Red X pointed his conduit at the roof below him, and launched a Splitting X; he dropped into the room beneath him, just as the molecules of the roof above him reshifted, sealing him inside.

A guard heard the noise behind him, and turned around immediately, pointing his gun at... nothing. "What the..." he said, the color draining from his face. "Riley, you say something? Over." his radio said, just as Red X sunk an X-blade mounted on his wrist into the guard's abdomen, puncturing the left lung and the diaphragm. Red X then used his voice-changing device, and answered in Riley's voice: "Sorry. Just that Joker thing on TV."

"Stop watching that shit, you're on duty. Over and out." Red X then disconnected Riley's radio, retracted the X-bade, and took off down the hallway just outside.

The reason Red X entered the rooftop of the building was because Dr. Emil Hamilton's office was on the top floor. There were, of course, two armed guards outside of his office, and Hamilton almost certainly had an alarm in his room that he could use to summon more guards. Sneaking up to the two guards, he quietly placed himself between the two of them, practically up against the sliding door to Hamilton's office. He then stretched both of his arms out, and just like an oh-so-memorable scene from Assassin's Creed 2, Red X slit the throats of both guards with blades extending from his wrists.

With nobody left to guard the door, Red X opened it, and smashed the console behind him, sealing both him and the now startled doctor utterly alone. With the door jammed from the inside, Red X deactivated his stealth field, and launched summoned a concussive grenade X into his hand, launching it at his phone. As the shuriken-like projectile collided with the phone, it exploded, ripping the phone off of its wire and smashing his entire desk to bits.

The thief-turned-would-be-assassin then advanced on the doctor, forming a blade extending from his wrist again. The scientist quickly backed against the far wall, and before he could think, Red X was already upon him, grabbing the man by his crew-cut hair, and placing the blade against his throat. "Cadmus. Ace. Start talking."

npc, red x

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