Apr 09, 2005 19:39
thursday--> lmfao this day was fun ass heller`z man..i got ready `nd stuff then went on the bus `nd christina started talking bout how there`z spirits in her house `nd this person got red of them` then me `nd denzel were like o0o..`nd then eddy gunna bust out w/ "o0o i`ve seen spirits b4, i see them all the tyme" me `nd denzel `nd albert just lo0ked at him like wtf?, lemme just back away from u there buddy..lmfao but it was mad fun` we were just talking bout spirits `nd how we had our lil encounters w/ them..`nd ofcourse denzel made it funny` then we went to sko0l `nd stuff `nd i think that was the day we were walking `nd reshad lyke kicked me in my schin soo i kicked him back `nd then i tripped vianca `nd me `nd reshad pushed her in the bushes..lmfao then ran.. "push `nd run"..lol it was soo friqq`n funny..then i went home
friday--> spirit day, friqq`n raining lyke crazzy..i wore pink pant`sz w/ a blaqk shirt..i lo0ked purty..uhh i went on the bus `nd just chilled` me `nd eddy waited for more pplz to come on [[ denzel ]] so that we can make up an intresting conversation, it was funny though cuz denzel was just telling eddy the story w/ bawk/bahk/bayk..however u spell his name..lmfao[[inside joke]]..it was like an inch tall when it was standing up!..lmfao` nd it was all rubbing over the seat `nd shit `that junk was soo funny..uh then me`reshad`jha-kari `nd ashley walked around `uhh wat else happened..o yah i was trynna fix the whole fight thing between andrea `nd betty `nd natty `nd then robert..his dumbass`lol..he firqq`n cracks me up..i was sitting in his spot talking to natty `nd betty `nd he was waiting for me to move then i lo0ked up `nd was like am i sitting in ur spot? so sorry then just kept on talking lol then robert lyked was talking to me but talking to himself at the same tyme..i was just like...umm..lemme just go..lol
today--> mad fun went to this picnic thingie` to0k pic`sz` omg i petted a snake..that junk was i dun`t even know man..i friqq`n hate snakes, i was scared as hell` omg i saw a liger-->> lmfao that junk reminds me of napolean dynamite so much..i was just cracking up the whole tyme, ligers are bick as hell though..friqq`n 8 feet tall standing up `nd shit..it was funn though `nd my frriq`n lover walked like 7 miles in his chucks..i was like o hell nah!..omg we were just ranking on pplz so dirty style `nd we stopped in the grove `nd just chilled o yah `nd we went to dairy queen..those damn _ _ _ _ _ _!<<--reshad knows what i`m saying...i think..o yah `nd i got sum clothes, it was fun..i was soppose to go to the muvie`z w/ cece later but forget it..anyways i`mma go take sum pic`sz now probaly..pz out
much love <33 4rm tutz