why is the Philippines underdevelop?

Dec 03, 2005 00:07


- What needs to be done for the Philippines to develop?

The Philippines is underdeveloped because the people and its leaders are not only physically inhibited but also emotionally vulnerable. The Filipinos and its leaders are physically inhibited by financial constraints that are factored by either economic problems or the looming Philippine debt. The mentality that without this certain amount of money people are left helpless and incapable infiltrates the Filipino mind more than it has before. Sure, money and a lot of it can make a lot of things but it also hinders people to do rightly even the simplest tasks. Money or more money moves many people in power to corrupt the system and get more for them in order to feel capable of doing and being. Ironically, the more people complain about the economic problem the more it worsened because the mentality reaches more people and thus more people feel more helpless. The fact that even the generation after us will suffer paying the mistakes of the leaders before us is not helping. The fact only creates the environment of helplessness. Maybe, that’s why many people forego with their visions, dreams and aspiration because for them it wont matter anyway. With this mentality, there is this unbroken cycle of curse when people and its leaders emotionally vulnerable to the idea of money or lack thereof. People seem to forget the truth that we created money in the first place as it is our choice to lose faith.

There is not one solution that will automatically make the Philippines a developed country, rather it will take a series of solution and implementation. For me, the first agenda should be to pay of the Philippine debt and pray hard for amnesty from the World Bank. The looming feeling that we owe the world this much money creeps into every Filipinos spirit the same with the mentality of owning money. To believe in amnesty is similar in believing for snow in the Philippines wherein both can only happen is a drastic change of temperature from the north. North can be the symbol for those in the World Bank or our leaders both in the government or business sectors. Our leaders should stop thinking of himself or herself or more profit and stop corrupting the system and maybe the World Bank will change their mind and also give us amnesty. This hope also extends to the communities and Filipinos who allows to be corrupted or corrupt the systems themselves. The next challenge would be in what to do with the money. Philippines should increase its quality of education especially in the public school system. Empower the people through education as some people say. Part of this education should be to teach the people their constitution and their right aimed to create a constitutional culture.
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