Jan 27, 2004 13:13
to sum up today in one word.. FUCK. yeah, i failed my algebra 2 midterm and i'm fucked. I studied so much for that stupid thing literally hours and hours. God why am i so stupid.. ugh, and then Mr. Blanco told me that my hair looked like I got caught in a wind tunnel. hahah yeah thanks, but whatever because i just dont care about what i look like at school. Right now i'm just really scared about my grades (hah yeah i sound like a loser) but i HAVE to get into college (and i know i will get into some, but not the ones that i want at the rate i'm going).. i HAVE to get out of freehold. ugh, don't plan on ever seeing me online/in school ever again because i'm probably gonna be grounded for life and my mom might kill me. GRRR =(