Title: Lies the World has told us
Fandom: Original Character
Characters: Izobella Marcelli
Prompt: 003
Word Count: 542 words
Rating: pg-13
Warnings/Spoilers: no spoilers, no sexual content
Summary: Izobella realizes that her life, was a joke, and that heroes are made, not born.
When you're young, you tend to look up to people in your life that touch you, move you, and show you the way of life. I was never given that. Growing up, I was given a choice, be put into foster care with some sorry excuse that I was a troublemaker or obside by the rules set forth by my father. I chose the latter of the two, because I couldn't imagine a life without my parents. I didn't want to think of what it would be like to live in those places where you could only hope that one day you'd be taken away from it all and given to a loving family. I played the part of my father's dress up doll, however he wanted me to look, I looked. However he wanted me to talk and walk, I did. And not once did I ever bite back. A little girl is supposed to look up to her father with the notion of being content and loved. A father ios supposed to be his daughters hero. I got robbed of that, I never had a hero growing up, for all I held towards my father was bitter contempt, and the want to just get away. I went through this since I was the age of seven. That was when my mother, left my father, and my world became even worse. I know she didn't want to, but she had to. I understood, instead my hatred grew towards my father. I would spit out that I hated him in private to his face, and be slapped, but in public I was the perfect one, holding his hand and smiling brightly for the camera and the friends of his that he worked with. I was the angel that everyone wanted their daughters to be, I guess they couldn't see that I was simply playing a act, doing what I had to do to survive. It was that, or eventually it came to the point that he would have killed me.
Heroes are something that everyone should have in their lives, but now, the word hero has become a mockery of what the true meaning is supposed to stand for. There are no real heroes today, and those that do become them, deserve it. They are the ones that risk their lives to help others, and to give someone the will to survive. In families today, practically no one has a hero within it, they look to others outside the family circle,and cling to the desperate hope that something is better out there. The new family I have been given in Angel and Collins has given me a hero. That love can survive through the hardest things, and that there is no black and white, gay or straight. We are all equals. They are the ones we should look up to, the ones that dare to cross the boundaries and live life to the fullest. As I heard them talking one time. There's only this, there's only us, forget regret, or life is yours to miss. Heroes are there, you just have to look for them, and pray that you can find them.