Feb 14, 2006 16:19
So it was mels birthday yesterday and i'd been dreading today for well since i known today would happen, lucy my best friend that beautiful bonny blonde girl you always see me on cam with today was ready to have the first treatment in the 2 treatment cases for her abortion, yep thats right you read correctly she was 7 weeks pregnant.
the condom split, it was an accident, shes only 19 she lives with her parents, the relationship with the father isnt going well, she has no job and she wasnt ready to be a mother, wether you all think its wrong or right i dont care, i respect her enough because at her age she made a fairly big decsion on her own, and now after all the shit she carried me through it was my turn to be there for her.
so i got in the car, she got in the car and we drove to that nasty clinic school always told me about, and we signed her in, knowing that there was a lil thing in her made me feel shit, knowning that the thing inside her would be dead in the next 3 hours because of one certain pill made it even worse, knowning that on thursday their going to make her go back and take it all out makes me feel sick, makes my heart hurt and worrys me.
some people may say shes wrong some may say shes right some have the nerve to give an opnion when they've never even been through such an ordeal.
but all i know is today hurt my heart to watch my best friend have to go through that, and on thursday its gonna hurt alot more knownin shes in that nasty clinic and im at home.
all in all today has been shit, i havent spoken to chris since sunday night, my stomach aches, my sisters a bitch, my best friends going through this without her parents knowing, its the anniversary of my eldest brother timmays death aswell as birthday on friday, mels been dead 4months on thursday and lucys completing her abortion then aswell. i feel like i have nobody and i feel like im tired of bottleing up my emotions because im scared of the reactions i will recieve.
"when theres no one else look inside yourself and you will learn to begin to trust the voice within"
Tatanya xxx