(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 21:07

Can i say im officialy a plonker? ok ok ok i am officially a plonker, i got paid friday the sum of £423 knowing id just got ripped royally i rang my boss and stated when i took on the job i was told i'd be paid hourly, which she agreed was true, so i asked why id been paid a trainee wage, and she said shed pay me the rest by next week, so me being me decided with that being that id ask my big brother if he wanted to come to town, so of we went, got there and of course alex being alex was hungry so we had lunch at the best place int he world, ok i exagerated but subway is good, saw some friends in there, had a meatball marina and hit the shops, omgosh i was awful and let me tell you by the end of saturday i had £117 left, lmao i bought me some new nikes, there green and velcro and just major yum, some slippers there bears there hawt like me lmao!! some new pjs, 6 pairs of socks, a watch, britneys perfume well not literally hers but you know what i mean right? couple of outfits, toni and guy stuff for my hair, new hair colour etc etc etc and rented sin city for dad and him, thought i passed out woke up asked them if it was good and they reckoned it was the most amazing film ever ok i exagerated again they said it was awesome,so i figured id watch it later on today today being sunday right? dan came over showed of his new vauxhall corsa its black, kinda boring cause everyone has them, so anyhow i tried so hard to get into the film and i couldnt so i gave up, tidyed my room, admired all my new stuff some more and now im here listenin to random songs.
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