Apr 04, 2013 10:29
Now that the Easter madness is over, let's review March goals. They were admittedly pretty wimpy.
Let the novel simmer for two weeks, then make a plan for draft 3. Done! I have a chapter outline and copious notes.
Continue 10K training, and run at least three miles at less than 10:30 pace. Done! I ran the 5K at 9:09 pace which still sounds so ridiculous.
Participate in Deepak Chopra's 21-day meditation challenge. Done! But, I was pretty shocked to discover that I didn't enjoy it. First I was turned off by the constant use of the word "perfect." Then I just didn't feel like sitting still for ten minutes. By the end of the three weeks I was listening to the introduction (because I did enjoy those) without actually doing the meditation.
Invite someone over now that we actually have a living room and a couch. Done! I invited a bunch of people over. And some of them actually came.
April Goals:
-Finish Draft 3 of the novel.
-Run the 10K on April 20. My goal time is between 59-60 minutes. It feels scary to write that down, but the McMillan calculator seems to think I can do it, and it was also able to accurately predict my half marathon times based on a two-mile time trial.
-Do a hardcore organization/purging/cleaning of the bedroom. My previous excuse was, "But I don't have anywhere else to put all this crap." And now I do, so it's time.
-Learn to cook food from another culture. This was suggested by Maia, since I was running out of my own ideas. I'm sure this will not be a disaster.