another update, i dont do a lot but thats cuz i actually have a life this year. Im trying to do good in school so when i grow up i can help my mom out. just last week is when i realized how much she means to me. im not going into detail.. if ya'll know me then u know already and if ya'll dont then u dont need to. kapeesh? yes so for all those who have been living under a rock me and jimmy started going out but we broke up tuesday? or wednesday i dont remember because it really meant nothing to me. It wasnt working were still friends so its not full of my usual stupid ass drama. since i've started driving (permit) ive had to drive my little sister all over town. dance, soccer, friends houses.. everything u name it! but its cool cuz i like getting away from it all when im in the car just driving around, gives me a chance to get things off my mind which is great. well heres a pic of me cuz none of u have ever seen what i look like.