Dec 30, 2004 11:47
lalala, i'm silly and smiley today. hehehe.
iona came round yesterday, for about nine hours in the end, heh. my mother was less than impressed because she was ill and wanted to go to bed but we were talking too loudly and keeping her awake. but hey, we were enjoying it.
i have slightly more of a clue as to where i stand with her now. we ended up kissing yesterday, again. and she says she likes me lots, but she's scared of relationships (which is fair enough, given her crap luck in them) so.. we're not together. i guess, in north-london speak, we're 'dealing with each other', heh.
but the rest of yesterday wasn't so good. i got a text off S saying that F was trying to kill herself, and i called her and she said she didn't care if we were worried and told me to stop pretending i cared. and then today i came on RYL hoping someone would have news of F, but no one did, and then someone said fox had gone missing, and that hol has an infection and is much worse, and i'm just so stressed..
i really need a hug. i want iona back round here :(