Oct 24, 2006 18:11
My therapist told me to do this. Write down all my memories. Keep them together. Remember them happily and without regrets. So thats what im trying to do.
- i did something cute and you laughed and hugged me and said "so thats why i married you" then you realised what you said and we both laughed and hugged
- "shawna hynes isnt afriad of needles"
- "Shawna ive got to tell you something. i feel really guilty. ive only ever lied to you once and i want to tell you the truth." *expects something traumatic* "you know when we eat party mix? and i told you i dont like the pretzels cause theyre the only ones you eat? well. the pretzels are my favourite too. i just didnt want to make you feel bad for not sharing"
- matt:so ive found shawnas jealous side.
cameron:no way!
me:im only jealous of blondes. with big boobs.
enter krystal and meaghan. *laughter*
- valentines day, burning cookies
- baking black bottom muffins together
- falling asleep on the couch together after safegrad
- walks together on the beach in burgeo
- our hike to ... something cove
- our snowshoeing adventure
- walks around Buchans
- monday night suppers before ballet
- me waking you up every saturday morning and cuddling till we got un-sleepy
- the time i cleaned your house from top to bottom while you were at work
- two words: smiley fries.
- our first date(disaster)
- our second date(also a disaster, but a cute one)
- my war wounds
- grad (we looked beautiful together)
- finishing each other sentences
- our OC easter
- skipping school to watch Weeds with you
- camera messages
- 5 roses
- seth the easter bunny
- every visit to sorrentos
- playing Sonic on sega
- tucking you in bed when you were too sleepy to walk me to the door
- kissing you on the nose
- every movie we've ever watched
- adventures on ecstasy
- on march 25th we got in a fight and i was uber angry. a half hour later you showed up at my door. looking all shy and cute and sweet and bashful, hugged me, and we spent the day painting my dresser together and we had a paint fight
- 15th of march:
"Matt says:
i bet not a lot of people can say they had sex on a mouse trap board
Matt says:
i plan to be one of them
Hahahahhaha. Oh love."
- chinese food lunch dates
- March 11th:
Matt to Luke:
"Fuck off, im getting head!" followed by the hanging up of the phone & throwing it across the room. Then laughter.
Matt to Me:
"Yeah, we were definitely the cutest couple at that party"
"Uh... we were the ONLY couple at that party..."
- everytime we tried to have sex and your dog barked at us for like ever
- weekends your parents were out of town
- getting caught by your parents all those times, especially the night we had chinese food and your mom walked in
- every waking moment with you
Gah. we were so perfect and cute. i was so happy. why why why why WHY.
oh well. therapy. right. no dwelling. no regrets.
god this is so hard
no one understands really, everyone keeps telling me to get over it
how can i do that when ive basically lost my other half?
Anyways. im off to ballet. please loooooooooooove me.