Sep 23, 2005 22:23
okkkkkk soooo the past week has been absolutely fucking shitty if any one cares.....
well first off my body is pretty messed up and i cud die which i think is actually kinda funny....
yea um second sam once again duznt fucking believe me....yea everyone tells me to just forget him and if he actually liked me he wud listen to me and actually kno im telling the truth, but i cant do that. i cant forget him....i can forget other people but i jsut cant forget him....even lyk my brother told he " you mess up, and she still loves you" exactly! no matter wat the kid duz i either put up with it or try and do sumthing about it.... lyk right now he thinks i like dawns nephew which definately isnt true b/c first hes 13 or 14 idk 2nd ive never met him and 3rd it was all a big fucking joke....ha but nooo dont believe me....HAVE YOU EVER!?!?!?! noo u say u will and u promise that if i do this for you , you will trust but guess wat i did wat you asked but u didnt....i just wich u can believe for once how much you mean to me....cuz its a whole hell of a can seriously ask ne one and if ne one says different then they fucking need help....sooooo i tried calling him tonight and i was gunna apologize and tell him how much he meant to me but this is how it went
me " so do u still think i like that kid"
him " i dunt kno and i dunt care"
fucking wonderful if u ask me...actually no im pissed....b/c he duz mean the world to me and he either duznt wanna believe it or just duznt feel the same.......he thinks i say it to everyguy...but most of its a joke or ill say i love you to a friend and thats alll they are.......
~* un like you, cuz i want you to be more than a friend and i juss hope you give me another sry*~
sooooo on a better note well mayb not leg is healing i think but it got bigger...ive missed 3 friggin days of school which sux..... and ive missed work which means no pay how wonderful...
yea and my brother is back at school and it sux cuz i kinda miss him...well not kinda cuz i do....
yea well i gg take pills that knock me
to the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world...
sooo ifu decide to give me another me