(no subject)

Sep 20, 2008 20:09

Because I have no life, well actually I do have a lot of college stuff to do, but whatever, I decided to download NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story. Again. This will be my third time. And yes, I deleted them twice before because my hard disk was totally .. gone. But not now D: I still have the Pacific DVD download. Wooot.

I need to fangirl and spazz a lot now, because I foresee much more assignments in the future. I just started my second term, so .. not THAT busy, YET. And when that time comes, I won't be able to flail over NewS. Ryo, Tego .. Gaah. Makes me sad.

So yeah. I shall be downloading the DVD today and spazz about it tomorrow. Anyone wants to join? ♥

Edit @ 1154
I forgot to talk about this. I watched Code Blue episode 10 and Maou's final episode yesterday night. Before that I vowed that I'd get my assignments done first. I loved Code Blue's ending. I mean, heck! That was one hell of an accident! So I'm really looking forward to the final episode. :D! As for Maou, the ending was kind of sad. But at the same time, for Toma and Ohno fans, I think you guys must be flailing over the ending (although it was kind of a tearjerker) I shall not spoil it for those who have not seen it. Woooo!

The TV is on and a badminton tournament, Japan Open, if I'm not mistaken, is on right now and why doesn't NewS go on to cheer the Japanese players!? xD I'd continue to watch it but I'm heading off to college in a while. Yes, you heard me right. I have classes on Saturdays. Damn. :\\

Edit @ 2008
I won't be able to download or watch N.E.W.S today. Maybe tomorrow. I was out the whole day and I'm going to stay over at my friends' later. Yayyy D:

news shall dominate the universe

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