October 2008 Fic Round Up

Nov 09, 2008 15:11

So, how about this for best-laid plans? I'm a week late! It wasn't a prolific month on the posting end, but I do have several stories I'm working on in the background. Damn my fickle muse.

  1. Your Sorrow for Another Coin - Chapter 5 - Winchesters always needed protecting, from themselves as much as anything else - so maybe it was no surprise that Mama added all that thyme and basil and oregano into spaghetti sauce every time a Winchester crossed their doorstep. This chapter kicked my ass, as is its follow-up. On the whole, though, I was pleased with how it ended up - particularly my own take on Dean's ring. Outsider POV. John/OFC, Dean/OFC (Het). NC-17. Word count: ~8600.

  2. I just keep losing my beat - At least they were letting him have a couple of shots between the hand waving and the quarter tossing and that stupid rhyme they kept reciting in Latin. Nothing says "crack" like Sam Winchester playing air guitar. Nothing. Dean POV. Dean/OFC (Het). PG-13. Language, mild adult situations. Word count: ~2600.

For the record, having a Penny!Muse fighting with your Alice!Muse is made of the not fun.
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