Having been bonked on the head with the Super Secret Plot Bunny project, I've been writing a lot behind the scenes. I did manage to get some things finished, though. Not as much as I would have liked (since part two of the Super Secret Plot Bunny Project was supposed to have been posted last night) but I did some challenging things this month along with some old school
So, all in all, a good month.
- In the Torn Recesses - She was going to die, as sure as her bones ached. I wrote this for the First Impressions challenge at spn_het_love - and I came in under the word count by three whole words. I loved the voice that gelled with the OFC and she's definitely coming back. And, dudes, it's Gen! Outsider POV. Winchester, OFC (GEN). PG-13. Word count: 497 words.
- Any Chance Collision - Part One: The time I like is the rush hour - Georgetown was the next step in her plan but her father was always telling her that life could turn on a dime. If the trick was learning how to dance, she had really screwed it up by tripping over that boy who bussed tables in the New South Dorm cafeteria. This was written for katelennon, based on a conversation that we had at the Creation Con in Chicago. And, yes, for the curious...this is the Super Secret Plot Bunny project - a remix of Always Falling from Charlotte's point of view. I've enjoyed writing this so much that my Strange Angels love isn't just simmering on the back burner anymore; it's ready to bust out all over once I finish some of the shorter WIPs. Outsider POV. Dean/OFC (Het). NC-17. Word count: 8871.
- In this last of meeting places - She's not a princess but kisses can wake the dead. I have no bloody idea where this came from - I read "The Hollow Men" this weekend and lines just kept popping into my head until I wrote it. I think it is the most challenging story I have written stylistically and, thematically, there were parts that likewise were difficult to write. I didn't intend it to be anything but a one-shot but...the plot and the aftermath lend themselves to more stories. The kicker is that it's a crossover with Firefly and I somehow managed to sneak T.S. Eliot and "Sleeping Beauty" into the damn thing - not to mention the whole crossover OTP... River POV. Sam/Jess, Sam/Ruby, Sam/River (Het). NC-17. Warnings: Non-con, character death (not an SPN character). Word count: 2931.
The current status of all unfinished writing projects can be found