September 2007 Fic Round Up

Sep 30, 2007 12:47

Since I know I'm not getting the story I'm working on done by midnight, I think this is safe to post now. Besides, I figured it was high time I began posting this stuff on the fanfic journal, too... ;-P

September was, sad to say, a relatively dry month writing-wise...but I think if I go into self-recriminations as to why that was, I'll be unfair to myself. Life happens. And, besides, people would kick my ass.

  1. Fingers on the Hot Coal - On the road trip to Armageddon, ghosts and vampires were supposed to be the easy gigs. Written for the lovely zelost_mind and the equally fabulous quellefromage; they had requested a threesome featuring Sam, Dean and one of my existing OFCs. And it's completely het. It is a wholly self-contained story within the Strange Angels 'verse and was also my response for the Heavy Metal Inspiration challenge on spn_het_love, using the prompt "See the bed raise and the energy rise / Turn out the light and see the glow in her eyes." OC POV. Dean/OFC, Sam/OFC/Dean (HET). AU. NC-17. (Warnings include: angst, graphic sex) Word count: 10650 words.
  2. Grudge Strip Halo Deathmatch II - Dean Winchester made the rules up as he went along - which was really annoying when he was trying to get into your pants. This is a self-contained vignette in my Gobsmacked 'verse, that originally began life as the ending for " Winter." It didn't fit the piece but my love of the banter was too much to deny. Plus, I needed to prove to myself that I could still write more than angst. OC POV. Dean/OFC (Het). NC-17. Word count: 2261.

The current status of all unfinished writing projects can be found here.

journal: fic_round_up, genre: het, series: gobsmacked, rating: nc-17, series: strange angels, challenge: spn_het_love

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