The charity in question during this round is
RAINN. I couldn't not do it - and anyone who has read "As She Hit the Open Road" can probably figure out why.
I urge everyone who has the time to join in as well and to bid as you can. Even $1.00 helps.
I’m offering up a minimum 2000 word story in the Supernatural fandom - with the very strong possibility that it will be longer if the muse is so inclined. (And she often is…)
It’s probably easier to get what I won’t write out of the way, since it’s a small list. I’m not your girl for wincest (including winsister fics) but, other than that, I will write you gen, het, femmeslash or slash of any rating or pairing - including original characters, if you'd like them in the story. I will draw the line at non-con but angst is not an issue; neither is fluffy, crack or any shade in between. If you have your heart set on a cross-over, your best bets are Buffy, Angel, or Firefly. Three of my ‘verses are likewise fair game (Strange Angels, Gobsmacked and Supernatural by Gaslight), although I do ask that the request fit into the framework of the ‘verse.
I believe in this cause so much that I will even write a follow-up to “As She Hit the Open Road” for it.
Examples of my writing can be found at
Strange Angels.