BEST WEEKEND OF MY LIFE. A little late in getting all this onto the interwebs, but I digress.
On the second day there wasn't terribly much to see in terms of programs that we HAD to ABSOLUTELY see like the Battlestar panel, so
pimped_klingon and I just wandered around the expo area. I hardcore creeped Edward and Kandyse again because I'm creepy like that. I'm also 95% sure Kandyse was reading my shirt because she was creeping me back. Not that I had any problems with that or anything. Just saying.
We ended up going to "The Ed & Red Show" where Ed the Sock and some chick named Red interview a lot of the guests. We got there in time for Ray Park (who is AWESOME by the way) and he talked about being in the upcoming G.I. Joe movie and how he, in terms of special effects, shot himself in the leg. Then he segwayed into shooting said guns (I really can't remember how, I think I was just too mesmerized by the sexy) and how he was all "piyah! piyah! pew pew pew!" and the director told him to stop making the noises. I aww'd, partially because it was funny and adorable, but also partially because I would be TOTALLY GUILTY of doing that too. Most people would, I'm pretty sure. Don't even deny it.
After that we went MOAR SHOPPINGZ for food and I bought a couple of gifts for
malice4004 and
youisfunny. But I can't say what they are because that'd ruin the surprise. *glee*! I love giving gifts. Heheheh. I really wanted to get an X-Files thing for Amy, but the keychain was broken, there were no patches, and the shirts were mondo, as described in the previous post. X2. Yeah, ok, sure, I can TOTALLY get that for her because that's COMPLETELY her size. Ah well, still on the lookout. I ran into Kim and her posse quite a few times, which was nice, it was good seeing her after so many months. After that, we went back to the Ed & Red Show and saw some writer from Gears of War. Ed was talking about how he played the game, and was like, "I must be some big fan to play through the whole game with no hands," and the writer was like "I was just thinking about your lack of appendiges!"
Only at a comic expo...
After that, EDWARD JAMES OLMOS and KANDYSE MCCLURE came out and I freaked a little more. Trust me, if I squeed that much for those two, WHEN I meet Jensen and Jared and Misha, I may just pass out. No big deal. Anyways, their interviews were really good. Eddie talked about the Battlestar cast at the United Nations, which he talked about on Saturday, but it was still good to hear. He's really open minded and just "humanity is one race" and I love it. He said once people could say "African culture" and "Asian culture" instead of race, that may bring us one step closer to uniting everyone. I loved that idea. Note made to self.
Kandyse reminds me of my sister a little bit. She's small, bubbly, gorgeous and loves shoes. My favourite comment of hers though was the part where Red asked her about if she's more like Dualla, where she's stoic and rational and preserved, or if she's more like Starbuck and cigar smoking, and ass kicking. She just glared at the audience and said, "I am NOTHING like Starbuck." and the whole audience just aww'd and felt the tenison. But she just laughed at it, and said she's "totally cigar smoking and ass kicking" which was even funnier.
Sean Astin was after that, and they asked him THE FUNNIEST questions! Poor guy is so awkward, and Ed goes, "I would like to thank you on behalf of the lonely and single women out there for being part of the greatest slash pairing ever." The look on Sean's face was just TOTALLY AWKWARD and he had no idea what to say. He wrung his hands a little, and then they asked him about if he checked on any slash pairings from his later work, if they're still being writting, and he goes, "...I never checked on the FIRST set of slash fiction." and got all awkward again. Poor guy.
After that, I went and got my lunch/dinner and we ran into Mitch and Anthony, then went off to the 404s comedy improv group: they are HILARIOUS. If any of you ever get the chance to check them out at some point, PLEASE do, I highly recommend it. They're basically Who's Line Is It Anyway? but Canadian. Fully Canadian, not just Colin Mochrie Canadian. They asked the audience to suggest scenes and lines, and they used BOTH of pimped_klingon 's. I helped with the scene, but the line was from "A Bit of Fry and Laurie". You'd have to get her to repeat it, because I sure do not remember it. The scene, though, was "Awkward Star Trek Bloopers". Videos uploaded, just need to put them on sharing websites. They were hilarious, my goodness.
All in all, it was an amazing weekend, and very tiring. Totally worth it, though. Going back to school today was super difficult. I am so, so, SO tired of school. I know these are "the greatest days of my life" but really... I'm just not interested right now. All I want to do is sleep. It feels like I'm missing something, but I can't figure out what. I just need a good, long vacation, away from people. Most people at school are annoying me and I feel really bad because I don't want to be rude. But seriously, some people are just getting on my nerves. Plus all this snow and bad weather isn't helping much.
I'm going to make some hot chocolate in my NEW SUPERNATURAL MUG now, and then sleep. Long day tomorrow