Jun 22, 2004 13:13


*Name: Lydia
*Age: Almost 16
*Location: Michigan
*Describe what your like: I'm really laid-back. Really into music, i play guitar, and cello. I love all of my friends and I'm the kind of person who will always listen to you're problems at 3:00 in the morning. I don't really follow any type of "style", i HATE fakers and people who try too hard to be something they're not. I'm a vegetarian, and pretty happy with it... :o) yep.
*Sexual Preference: Bisexual? It's borderline with Straight, I'm not quite sure yet.

*Bands: Dashboard, Modest Mouse, Screeching Weasle, The Beatles, Fall out Boy, Brand New, Guster, Green day, Mustard Plug, Rooney, Tripping Daisy, Snuff, Tilt, Bracket, Propaghandi, Nirvana, catch 22, The violent Burning, Thrice, kiss, Rise Against.
*Movies:  Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, Life as a House, Glass House, Edward Scissorhands
*Swear word: Fuck, i suppose. I love using "frick" when teachers are around.
*Soda:  Anything by Jones. Or Mountain Dew.

-This or that-
*Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi!
*Cats or Dogs:  Dogs.
*MTV or MTV2: Ehh, i don't like either, but i guess MTV2
*Batman or Superman: Superman

-Your opinion on-
The President: He sucks! I hate how he's making all these dumbass laws, jebus. And I hate this stupid war.
Drinking: I guess it has so many downfalls, and shit. And i don't like it very much, but I guess every man for himself. If you like it, be safe, and go for it!
Animal Testing: I am against this for sure. If you fucking want to know if a product is good, go test it yourself. Animals are living, too. There must be more ways to test out a product then on Animals.
Smoking: Eh, well I know i had a problem with this for a while. But i quit :o). So, i guess it would be hipocridical of me to say that I'm against. I guess it depends what you're smoking.... and if you're safe about it.

Make me laugh:   A guy picks up a woman in a bar and brings her back to his hotel. When they are relaxing afterwards, he asks, "Am I the first man you ever made love to?" She looks at him for a second before replying. "You might be," she says. "Your face looks familiar."
Promote in a LJ and post the link here(the more LJ's you promote to the better chance!): muzikal_tofu , xsnakexratx , so_dorky , dangerr_angelslyrics_live
Why should you be accepted?: Because i love saying STFU. And.. Yeah, this community seems cool and stuff.
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