(no subject)

Oct 03, 2005 22:23

DyingToLive217: the question in your profile is it rhetorical or should i answer it
x StEpHaNiE x 18: u should answer it
DyingToLive217: than thats simple
DyingToLive217: i always mean what i say
DyingToLive217: and when i say i love you....of course i mean it
DyingToLive217: and unlike most people i dont say it to just anyone
x StEpHaNiE x 18: but do u mean it like ur in love with me of u love me as a person if that makes sense
x StEpHaNiE x 18: or*
DyingToLive217: well to be in love with you i would have to love you as a person right
DyingToLive217: i think i understand you
x StEpHaNiE x 18: yea i cant word it right
DyingToLive217: its alright......
DyingToLive217: but i know i'm in love with you.....if that helps any
DyingToLive217: i cant really explain along with how you worded it because to their both the very same
DyingToLive217: to me*
x StEpHaNiE x 18: yea. im trying to think of a better way to word it
DyingToLive217: take your time.....
DyingToLive217: i'm trying to think of a better way to explain myself so you understand me...unless you do that is
x StEpHaNiE x 18: when i said u love me as a person.. i ment like u love me ur just not in love with me. thats the only way i can think of saying it
DyingToLive217: well in that case...i'd have to say i'm in love with you
DyingToLive217: ....basically i love you by being in love with you if that makes sense
x StEpHaNiE x 18: it kinda does
DyingToLive217: neither one of us are good at explaining things
x StEpHaNiE x 18: lol
DyingToLive217: this may help
x StEpHaNiE x 18: ok
DyingToLive217: um like when we were sitting near the skate parl that night and your were telling me how people were asking where the pick was from
x StEpHaNiE x 18: yea
DyingToLive217: and you werent sure to say your boyfriend because you said its like we're together but not......it was to me a very heart felt feeling kinda knowing you in a way were considering me as your boyfriend......that was a really chill feeling you know
DyingToLive217: i dunno if that helps any
x StEpHaNiE x 18: it does
DyingToLive217: yea....so to answer your question when i say i love you......yea i do mean it
x StEpHaNiE x 18: ok. i wanted to know b.c u said it a few times to me and i wanted to say it back but i didnt know if you feel the same way i do and i didnt want to say it a feel stupid if u didnt mean it like that
x StEpHaNiE x 18: and*
DyingToLive217: i do though
x StEpHaNiE x 18: i love you too
DyingToLive217: and i love you
DyingToLive217: yea i remeber you saying to me that i didnt really know how you really felt about me but in reality i do and i feel the same way

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