Ugggh so I definitely threw away a whole chapter of the fic I was working on by mistake. Stupid locker clean-out. And I never got to type it... so now I have to rewrite it all. DAMN IT. Anyways, I found this during my spazzing out attempt to locate my other story haha, just thought I'd share.
Title: Invisible Man
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: F/A
Summary: An explanation of what Faith did on prom night, and where Angel was before he went to see Buffy at prom.
Disclaimer: Sadly, everything in the Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Author's Note: This really isn't all that great, but I was pissed about losing my chapter, so I was in need of F/A :)
The Bronze was empty tonight. Faith walked in and slowly sauntered out onto the dance floor. There wasn’t a band, but the music that was playing was still good enough to dance to. It was prom night and all the seniors were out having a great time somewhere else. Faith wasn’t bitter, if anything she was thankful. This meant she wouldn’t have to deal with Buffy or any of the super friends showing up. As the next song came on Faith closed her eyes and felt the bass pump through her body. She started moving in time to the rhythm, running her hands up and down her torso. Her fingers moved over her every curve, while Faith imagined them as the hands of someone else. She danced alone, spinning and dancing wilding with the invisible man. Faith felt like she was falling, the world drifting away. She let the feeling wash over her, praying that somehow she’d slip into oblivion. She was sinking faster as the tempo increased, dancing in a frenzied fever, and shutting her eyes tighter. Almost there now, she couldn’t hear the music anymore. The strength drained out of her limbs as she started slowly collapsing… but she never hit the ground. Her eyes flew open as this realization hit her. Strong hands wrapped themselves around her waist, resting on her hips. They kept her steady, kept her dancing. She began to move with the rhythm again, the once imaginary hands now having form. She rubbed up against the body behind her, never once turning to see their face. She knew who it was, or at least who she hoped it would be. She could clearly see his face in her mind, his beautiful features etched permanently into her thoughts, and that was enough. She was terrified that if she stopped and turned around, he would vanish. The spell would be broken and things would go back to normal… she’d be alone again. She was jolted back to reality as the mysterious hands hesitantly moved up her body, cool fingers searching for warm skin. He lowered his face to her and pressed his lips gently to her neck. His breath on her skin made her entire body tense in anticipation. He lifted his head up to her ear and quietly whispered to her.
“If things were different, I would’ve chosen you.” As the song came to an end, he stopped dancing and let go of her body. “Just thought you’d want to know.” He slipped away from her and she finally saw him as he walked towards the exit. He was all dressed in formal wear, and she knew exactly where he was headed. He was going to go be with his precious Buffy. Things weren’t different, and they both knew that. Yet all the same, Faith couldn’t help but let a rare smile creep onto her face as she resumed dancing with the invisible man.
---By the way, is 'uncrowded' a freaking word? Cus spell check doesn't think so, and it's pissing me off lol