Title: slight obsession
Characters/Pairings: Peyton/Angel
Word Count: 114
Summary: Post-prom disaster
Angel carried the beautifully broken girl in his arms and gently set her down on his bed. He smoothed out the wrinkles from her blood-stained prom dress and carefully swept a few stray curls out of her eyes. He pulled the covers up over her body and let his gaze linger on her face a few moments longer before leaving the room. As he shut the door, he was met by a green demon with his hands on his hips.
Lorne shook his head. "Still have that ex-cheerleader obsession, huh?"
Angel stood there with his mouth agape. "No, no, I--"
"Yeah, sure." Lorne smiled happily. "Gorgeous, blonde, and tough. No attraction there at all."