state park goodness.

Oct 16, 2005 00:40

so ive never been to Letchworth state park before, and my bf wanted to go because apparently it's "peak foliage" in this area.
it was pretty...
some of the climbing and stuff was really annoying...especially because i have the worst knees in the world. but we climbed.
and there were muchos stairs.
im cutting all of it because they're all 600x900 and i dont want to choke teh internetz.

i know most of these are "snapshots" but i liked them anyways.

yes, there's a few sky pics. i know it's "cliche" to take sky pics, but i thought it was pretty out.

*alie taking pics*
josh: "so..alie takes pics of the only DEAD trees here".

these are PURDY i love red leaves the best.

i wanted these to come out better....but i liked the reflection

the ONLY cute pic of me today

(i looked like ass because i figure it's silly to properly "do" my hair and makeup to trapse around the forest)


funny. i was eating an apple.

in the restaurant at the forest. haha.
ive never seen one of these in person.

probably my favorite pic of all day
it looks so pissed off.



(remind me to not wear sweats and slouch ever again)

i <3 my fossil big glasses..

the flash is bright
esp when it is getting dark

i hit some weird setting and took this. i think it's fucked up looking.

and we bought PUMPKINS by the side of the road at one of those stands. and we got some really good apples too

all those were under $15. haha. altogether.

i came home and promptly took a bath to get the nature off.
clearly, i am an indoors girl.

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