xx about you xx
full name: Bridget Nicole
age/DOB: I've been out of my mommas belly for a little over 19 years as of June 20th, 1986. =)
Location: Crawfordsville, Indiana--wishing I was in California, though.
Sex: I'm all female, baby.
Status: In love with the sexiest Marine ever!
Height: 5'4
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Emerald Green
Likes/Dislikes: I like many things, but I'll give you the shortened version: football, spending time with loved ones--especially, my 3 year old niece, my dog, playing tennis, poetry, sleeping, dolphins, driving around for no real reason but to waste gas, talking to the boy, laughing, loving, joking and journaling/blogging--If this was my job, I'd be one rich mofo.
My dislikes are a little bit shorter: rude/hateful/fake people, cheaters, liars, being allergic to chlorine so I can't swim in pools, being 2000 miles away from the one person who can always brighten my day, when my dog craps on my floor and when I don't have any money for gas.
xx favorites xx
Name 4 of your favorite bands/singers:
1. John Mayer
2. Adema
3. Jeremy Camp
4. George Strait
word: Spunky
color: Lime green and Pink
show: Laguna Beach and Degrassi.
song: Comfortable
band: I thought I just told you 4 of my favourite bands? See above.
female singer: Gretchen Wilson
male singer: John Mayer or George Strait
actress: Julia Roberts
actor: Richard Gere
movie: Pretty Woman
store: Wal*Mart or Goodwill
food: Pickles, string cheese, macaroni and cheese, salads and green beans.
IceCreamFlavor: Double Fudge Brownie by Edy's. *drools*
XXMake us laugh: XX
xx just beacuse xx
Tell us 3 random things about yourself:
(1) I want to be a cop when I graduate college.
(2) I drive a Ford Taurus--woohoo! haha.
(3) I always go over my minutes on my cell. =(
xx Either///OR - xx
Ashlee/Xtina: Ashlee.
Day/Nightime: Night.
Black/White: White.
pepsi or coke: I don't drink caffiene, but if I had to choose one... Coke, because it's my momma's favourite. =)
mall or movies: Movies.
leader or follower: Leader.
xx Opinions: xx
Abortion: Before I get into any of this, I'm a hardcore Democrat/bleeding Liberal. Now, on to the answer. I am most definitely pro-choice. I believe that it's a womans body, therefore it is her right to choose. If you make abortion illegal, do you think it will solve anything? No matter what, girls will still be out there having abortions. Wouldn't you want them doing it the safest way possible?
Gay Marriage: I strongly believe that Gays are no different from you and me--which they aren't. I believe they should be able to endure the happiness and struggles that marriage will bring to the table. Even if we don't allow them to get married, they are still going to be together. Why not allow them to take part in marriage, just like everyone else? It's not like it's hurting you if they get married.
Pre-marital Sex: I think that pre-martial sex is fine, if they are having protected sex. As long as the two consenting people realize the consequences that it might bring, then more power to them. I don't agree however, in one-night stands or relationships built around sex--i.e. "fuck buddies."
Paris Hilton: Too thin. Too ditzy. Too slutty. Not my type of person.
Nicole Richie: She's not as bad but she's getting that way. Yes, I watched the Simple Life and laughed. It was good, but only because I couldn't believe that they were that dumb.
MCR: Uhm... you want my opinion on My Chemical Romance? Do you mean you want my opinion on emo music, too? I've listened to a few of MCR's song. They are pretty good, if I do say so myself.
Britney spears: Hahaha. Where do I begin? She wasn't too bad when she first came out, but now. Wow, what a role model for young girls! Lets go out, steal some girls man and get married to him a few months later.
Cutting: I don't see the point. How does cutting yourself take away the pain from other things? After the pain from the cut goes away, you'd think that the pain from everything else would still be there. I don't understand it, but then again, I don't know anyone personally who cuts and I've never done it myself.
Bullying: I think this is why so many kids are depressed or commit suicide. I went to a small HS, so this was really never a big issue. I could only imagine what it was like at a big HS with so many different types of people. I think it's retarded and needs to stop. Punishment needs to be stricter for those who do this sort of thing.
xx other stuff xx
Where did you find out about x_soo_sweet_x?:
I was browsing around and saw a promo on someones profile.
promote to 2 livejournals && 2 communities && include links:
Community #1Community #2Journal #1Journal #2![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/facepaint/pretty.gif)
one 100x100 picture of yourself so we can post you on are rejected/accepted list
3+ photos of yourself
My dog. Not yours. Be jealous.
The hottest thing ever, in my eyes..
What do you think about the MOD and the co-MOD??
I don't know them personally, so I can't form a very good opinion, but they are really cute. =) I'd love to get to know them.
Anything else that you would like to share with us?