
Aug 31, 2006 18:20

i'm in a great mood for being in so much physical pain. i got my wisdom teeth yanked out today and the stuff they use to knock you out so you don't feel or remember anything, yeah. that didn't work. so i cried and like, screamed through the whole thing. so that was around 8 this morning and then the second i got home my mom went to get the best ( Read more... )

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catpisscourt September 2 2006, 05:22:28 UTC
Ana ana ana ana oh my lord you dont know how many times i have thought about you since i moved! yes i moved to az if you didnt know about three weeks ago..you were in greece..lucky duck!! If i coulod go one place in the world it would be greece my aunt always said shed take me there...but never did )o:

anyhow enough with that tangent...i miss you A LOT.. and your mom who is a big dog in alden now!? Im SO PROUD!!! tell her hello and i miss her and mesa and your sister and your whole adorable family and life!!!

God i could write you forever on thins lil old thing..we need a girl talk and havent had one in forever!! that actually makes me real sad..I kept telling laura before i left how much i wanted to see you. I have so much to update you on...generally az is hot, the boys are cute, the girls all look the same (designer purse, blonde hair and big sunglasses) and everyone is always on a cell phone. its exactly what you think west coast would be..and im not sure if that is a good thing. the work load is crazy...my cars been shot at (seriously) and has bullet holes!!! (but its a safe neighbor..i guess it was just a fluke haha.. I want you to come visit me and you can bring andy (bc he sounds like he treats you amazingly therfore he is more than okay in my book) and we can chat and hang and be awesome together! I miss and love ya later and have a great senior year!! <33


x_socrushmebabi September 5 2006, 03:51:56 UTC
i think i may take you up on the visiting offer! I MISS YOU!!!!!! You must call me the next time your'e in town. <33


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