Nov 19, 2008 13:43
So i have been looking back on past entries from earlier this year, aint it weird looking back and seeing where we thought we would be be is not really where we are. Sure back then i knew i was coming her. But i also mentioned how i am called to be a youth pastor, and i was going to be going to North Central in minnesota after MC-D well i cant say as much for the latter cus IDK what God will do in this next year and a half. but this is an update.
I do not believe that i am called to be a Youth Pastor anymore. A professor of mine said something the other day that was quite awesome. he mentioned that no one in the Bible was ever called to a specific age group. Not to say that God couldn't call us to an age group but yea, he then went on and talked more about calling and things about passions and stuff like that and it really hit me. I believe now that i am not called to be a youth pastor but I am called to preach to the youth. Whether that is as Youth Pastor or Evangelist, or something along those lines God only knows cus he hasn't revealed them to me.
As it looks right now i am going to be finishing my degree down here at SAGU. as much as i Love Minneapolis and the NC campus SAGU is just amazing. i <3 it down here. Plus i am getting more and more involved with the Campus like Southwestern live and things like that. there should be videos posted shortly for all those to laugh and enjoy.
I talked to Justin last night. we went and got good. and everything is all good. we discussed it and i was honest and told him how it made me feel and he respected that and now we are awesome and i dont' feel as bad about it as I once did.
southwestern live