sex with minors (ftw?)

Jan 15, 2009 17:21

nat = natizle

rach: lol.
maybe we should take our fonts down a notch?
rach: like, um, like this?
nat: Okay, sounds good.

nat: Wait- what size is your's?
rach: 18
nat: Oh, good.

nat: It looked 16 to me for a sex
nat: *sec
nat: ROFL
rach: LMAO
rach: 'well she looked like a 16 to me for a sex.
' - foreign sexual predator
nat: lmfao Omgg...
rach: "er, what?"
rach: 'I say, she look like a sixty for to give me sex.
rach: "ERR, WHATT?"
nat: LOLOL
rach: 'now they do not ugly'
rach: "eh?"
rach: 'now she six. ten to do the sexing.
nat: lololllll

not really about anything at all

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