Mar 27, 2005 20:18
well so far break has kicked ass friday only got to stay out till like 1030 but i made the best of it. ha the videos with david lmao dont film me!"those irish!" lmfao.but we had a lil party thing goin on at travis's ha dance offs, raving, ddr, darts, fussball, and lots of red bull and pimp juice!wooooooooo! good shit right alright so then saturday we were all kinda tired so some1 started a rumor about a cook out at kourtny's so we called her up and asked if we could have one. she said yea but we had to bring the food and we were all broke and had no food. so we raided the fridges and got some money and bought the shit ha not me tho cuz im not allowed in dominiks nemore lol. so then we headed over and started cookin the food was kick ass. me and nick are the best cooks ever lol um marshmellow fights heather and silly string (that was a bad idea they cleaned everything up for easter and when u did that her mom got pissed and then we all ended up gettin kicked out after the marshmellow fight and all the energy drinks)ha i had an energade and a shit load of pimp juice and we all got super fuckin hyper and it was amazing i thought i was gonna die. one of the drinks had 5000 percent b12 holy fuckin shizzle lol. we needed some krunk tho but o well it was pretty fun and easter sucks ass
hating the season