Mar 14, 2005 20:08
01. Time you start: uh like never...
02. Full Name: Christopher William Natale
03. Nicknames: dont really have one
04. Screen names: too many
05. Pet: i want a snake :/
07. GPA: uhhhhhhhhhhh
08. Sex: Yes Please!
09. Birthdate: May 10, 1990
10. Zodiac sign: Taurus
11. Location: schaumburg
12. Hair color: brown
13. Eye color: Brown
14. Siblings: uh 4 bros and a sis
15. Bestfriends: -- ALLEN!!!! I WANNA BE HIM WHEN I GROW UP!!!!
The CRUSH Side:
16. Crush: i don like orange soda
17. Girlfriend/Boyfriend: no
18. If you could go out with anyone, who would it be: Guess
The PAST Side:
19. Memory [thing] you miss most: i want my summer back
20. If you could go back in time, where would you go: summer after eighth grade
21. Memory you would like to forget: too many
22. What'd you do yesterday: uh stuff
23. Last person you talked to on the phone: david
24. Last thing you said: idk
25. Last song you listened to: november rain-guns n roses
28. TV show: headbangers ball
29. Song: my michelle-guns n roses
30. Color: black
31. Day of the week: saturday
32. Month: may
34. Number: 420
37. Ice cream: the cold kind
38. Candy: the sweet kind
39. Channel: mtv 2 or vh1
40. Shampoo/Conditioner: uh w/e is in the big bottle
41. Saturday Night Live quote: i hate that show
42. Favorite sport: skateboarding
43. Actor/Actress: i just watch the movies im not a freak
44. Non-alcoholic Drink: dr pepper
45. Band/Singer: Guns n roses/ axl rose
47. Movie: welcome to the videos
61. Do you believe in angels: no
62. Aliens: hell yea man!me n nick saw a ufo i swear to god!
63. Heaven & Hell: u gotta go somewhere...
64. God: in a way
65. Yourself: u have to believe in urself or u wont account to nething but a whiner
66. Love at first Sight: absofuckinlutley
67. True Love: yes
68. Soul Mates: yes
69. Been on a plane: yea and it was gnarly as hell
70. Cried in public: ha yea.....
71. Climbed a tree: i couldnt get down....
72. Fallen asleep in a Movie Theater: during lord of the rings...such a bad ass movie
73. Met a celebrity: yea
74. Been scared to get a shot: every time
75. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: haha i visit the moose from time to time
76. Skipped skool: skipped classes
77. Gone out of the country: no but i will..america sucks my left nut
92. Are you getting tired of this survey: no way!
93. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: im not a fag
94. How many buddies do you have on your list: 1 million!
95. Do you like this survey: its not the best
96. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: 2 and i don care
97. Last CD you bought: velvet revolver
98. Last movie you saw: animal house
99. How long are you in the shower: 15 minutes
100. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup: i hate those shits
101. What does your screen name mean?: uh its self explanitory (big word of the day!!)
102. Right, Left, or Ambidextrous: right
103. What is on your mouse pad: a dinosaur!!!
104. What is under your bed: lots oof shit...and a lil pornagrhpy
105. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie roll pop:i dont liek chocolate but i guess like 100,000,000,000 woooooo
Late Start 2morrow pretty kick ass...and i cans ooo totally varial perfect now cuz im just that rad. so me n dave skated alone today in the the library which was lame but w/e we figured out the worst way to die and that's really hungry and then burning to death. lmao good times. but neway nicks gonna show me his "360 flip" 2morrow hahaha right.......
neway later kids