Australian Open... hahaha

Jan 22, 2004 21:38

***Aus Open and Chinese New Year***
Well it seems that the Aus Open DID loosen me up at the extreme disappointment of yesterday. Actually had a revelation of sorts when I got home. Why should my birthday be noticed by my friends? They're there supporting me every other day of the year too.... hahaha yeah that's my poncey lame answer to that one. So anyways, as if the Open is deserving of a LJ entry. Though there were some interesting things like Venus and Federer playing... and some sorta game called "Beat the Post". I'm guessing it requires some rapid hand movements. I know a few people who'd be good at it. The Aus Open is full of sexual innuendos ready to be exploited ^_^

Happy Chinese New year.. and stuff. Now give me my money now!! hehehe

Don't ask how this popped up.. actually, it stems from me wanting to grow wings and a tail. hahaha even if I couldn't fly.. it'd be cool to have wings to stretch and whack people with I guess. So anyways, how does evolution work? hahaha to not incriminate the person I was with during this convo I'll call them.... ahh wait.. who cares? So yeah I want to find the genetic code in which I can spawn wings.

How exactly does one achieve this level of greatness? We should first look at evolution. As KK pointed out, things evolve to get rid of unnecessary things. So, flightless wings would not be in our genetic code because their use would be, as I stated, to be for whacking people and for stretching so you block people's view in sporting events. Useless yes.. but cool. And my answer to that 'insight' was why do birds have wings. To which a blunt 'to fly' was given. My rebuttal, penguins swim and emus walk. This is the highlight of my day. The convo evolved into a comedy, paraphrased as such:

Me: So emus can walk where as birds have the need to fly
KK: Yes, because birds can't walk
Me: *LMAO*
KK: *Some failed attempt at justification*
Me: So why do emus have wings in the first place?
KK: Cuz maybe they use to be able to fly
Me: Oh so they had the NEED to?
KK: Maybe there wasn't as much land before
Me: *LMAO even harder* So there was no land and all the emus just flew all the time.. they slept in the air?
KK: *Laughing - I assume it's at her own stupid comment*
Me: So what about the other animals?
KK: *Frustrated* They swam! I DON'T KNOW!!

***Human Genome Project***
This all brings about an interest in the HGP. It's very interesting. I guess KK does have a point; we can't grow wings because there's no need for them and there's no prior genetic code in which we can base new wings on. But of course, the Human Genome Project can push the human body to new heights.. and eventually to the maximum potential of the human body. In that I don't mean viagra-like adjustments through the HGP (though it's definitely something to look into when everything else has been fiddled with).

Genome soldiers (ala Metal Gear Solid) would be really good. Enhanced speed, strength, dexterity, co-ordination, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling.. all towards the ultimate human. We can kill our animals easier, clear forests faster and pollute in better ways. Wait.. turning hippy. Killing.. yes.. that's what we can do better with awesome bodies. Impervious to disease.. wow.. perfect human race. At that point in time, it won't be long before we kill each other for sure.

***Import from Japan - L'arc~en~ciel***
As I brought you Do As infinity, I'll now bring you L'arc~en~ciel (French for the arc in the sky: rainbow). Under the genre of J-rock, I find that a lot of their songs aren't very easily classified as such. There are times when there is a ballad like classical sound to it. Makes for interesting music I assure you.

Many people would have heard of this popular group started in 1991. With a few members coming a going, the band now stands at 4. Hyde on vocals (lyricist), Ken on guitar, Yukihiro on drums and the creater of L'arc~en~ciel, or Laruku as fans call them, Tetsu on bass (main composer).

If you come across Laruku forums, don't be put off by the huge mass of googly eyed fangirls. They're very feminine.. androgyny seems to be the THING in Japan *shrugs*. You have to admit though, the composition is pure brilliance. As little as I know about guitars, the starting section of Ibara no Namida got me interested. Then Hyde sings and you're in deeper than you thought possible. The ability to throw his voice from low to a high falsetto with little effort makes singing seem so damn easy.

Want a sample? Go grab Final Fantasy: Spirits Within and watch the ending credits. Spirit Dreams Inside is a Laruku song!! hurah. If you're an anime fan they did DNA^2 with their song Blurry Eyes, Rurouni Kenshin with Fourth Avenue Cafe, GTO with Drivers High and Full Metal Alchemist with their new single Ready Steady Go. With around 7 albums and a multitude of singles, I've yet to sample every song, but from what I've heard so far... I NEED more!!! hahah

Stupid Fact - Kim Clijsters won 4.6m last year
How absolutely bull is that? Hahahaha pathetic really. I'm gonna be a semi-pro golfer and I'd easily rake in more than THAT lil sum of spare change. As KK says that this is like my movie, let me do this *kills Kennedy* muhahahaha *grows wings and flies away*


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