Mar 13, 2006 01:21
Well, my weekend didn't go as I planned it would. Danielle and Kaitlyn didn't end up coming over. I just spent the whole day over my cousins house and came home at 11pm. I didn't sleepover Sam's because she said James was coming over today and it was awkward last time I was there. I definitely understand that and honestly I really don't care if I couldn't go haha. Seriously. Anyways if it didn't rain today and be shitty outside, I would of went to 34th St. in Manhattan with Leslie today to look at Prom dresses for her. Instead I stayed home and then went out to eat with my mom. We went to a great Thai food place on Bell. Yummm.
Sundays are usually my stay-at-home days. However when it gets warmer outside, it won't be! ^_^ I can't wait till Spring..and Summer. I must attend to the rest of my homework now. I promise I will have an interesting post next time.
Off to life!