Roses & Results!

Mar 18, 2007 18:07


Apparently the autosave doesn't work when hit by power cut.  Oh well...

Went and saw my Chinese herbalist on Monday.  Apparently all my pulses are getting much stronger (the one concerning my digestive system has moved up from practically non-existant to feeble :0D) and I look better.  I think I look better too, I keep catching myself in the mirror and I can't help but notice that my skin looks shiney, It hasn't looked shiney for ages.  Normally it's all dull and covered in a horrid array of angry looking spots (yuuuuck!!).  My Herbalist still says that there is some heat in my lungs, but that it's getting better.  Before I had accupuncture I used to cough up loads of phlegm every morning, but since about the second session that's all stopped.  This makes me very happy and I'm sure that the accupuncture is really helping :0D.

I managed to embarrass myself rather spectcularly yesterday.  With it being mother's day today, I decided that I should really do something nice for my mum.  So whilst Mum and Dad went out, I walked down to the flower shop in the village.  The flower shop is tiny and there was a large queue full of father's and daughters buying flowers.  So not sure how long I'd be able to last in the queue before getting home again would be a problem I hastely picked up a bunch of pretty pink roses, without checking the price and went and stood in the queue.  Turns out it's not just the red variety of roses that are expensive.  I just about died when the lady asked for £36.00!!!  Not wanting to look like a total prat and hold up the queue, plus being aware that the little voice in my head saying "danger, danger, legs on low battery!" was getting louder I handed over the extortionate amount of money.  Mum liked the flowers...only the bloody things went and died today didn't they!  Mum was very annoyed (Steph having let slip the cost) and sent dad to complain...he came back with a free bunch, which hopefully wont die.  This whole experience has taught me checking the price of something before you buy it is a very good idea!

Spent last night watching Eurovision "a song for britain".  Eurovision is something of a tradition in my family, every year we all gather to watch it and every year the entrants get more shocking and more hilarious.  This year Britain has decided to send perhaps the most amazingly diabolical song it has ever sent.  It is so bad, it might actually do well!!  The Eurovision song contest is the only place you can see a group of 30 year old men and women prancing about on the stage dressed as air hostesses singing lyrics like "we're flying the flag, all over the world, we're flying the flag for youuuu" along to some tragic dance beat and it be considered good.  This year looks like it might be the year of the cross dressers.  Only in Europe!!  Roll on 12th may :0D 

chinese medicine, eurovision, mother's day, me, health

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