Nov 12, 2006 23:10
I don't like to think how much of my savings I've spent on doing up my room so far. I don't like to spend money at the best of times (probably a good thing) and especially not all in one go like this! So I'm going to be very pleased when it's all finished and I can start hording my money again.
We went and bought a carpet for it at the weekend, it's snow you can bet that within a month of it being fitted one or both of the cats throws up all over it ;0)! The trip to buy the carpet was a big sucess. It's quite possibly the first time since I got sick that I really stuck to my limits and as a result came back and did not crash! Wooo!! This has made me very happy! So with a carpet bought I only really have a bed left to get. This is kind of urgent seeing as the matress on the bed I've got has had it and is crippling my hips/back every night. Note...never buy a foam matress from ikea! They suck.
Also thanks to a combination of cruddy matress from ikea and my horrible habbit of sitting curled up on the settee I went to see a new chiropractor this week, which lead to the discovery that his wife is a chinese herbalist/acupuncturist. Apparently she's had some success with treating ME/CFS so I'm going to try giving that a go. Should be interesting, but if it can do anything for me I'll be incredibly happy.
The best thing that has happened happened this week however is I found out I passed my medical for the DSS and don't have to go to an appeal tribunual like last time. Thank god for that!
On a less good note, I've got to go a small get together for a friends 21st birthday on Wednessday. This is not going to be a whole lot of fun. I've known Emma (Whose birthday it is) and her family since I can remember and her mum and my mum are best friends. We all get on really well...that is apart from Emma's fiance Steve, who is the biggest bastard I know. He's pyschologically abusive to her, constantly puts her down in front of people, bosses her around, cheats on her and is so arrogant you feel like throttling him. I absolutely HATE him and I do not use the term hate lightly. He doesn't think much to me either...more I think because I stand up for Emma when he puts her down in front of me and tell him where to get off than anything else. To put it bluntly I find it very difficult to be civil to him and I know I can't hide my dislike for him...not that I'd want to really because I don't like being false to people. I wish very much that Emma would leave him...but I doubt she just makes me so mad that he treats her so badly and she lets him. I know she has no self esteem and that's why she takes it all, but grrrr it makes me so mad.
Anyway for my mum and everybody else's sake's I am going to try and be civil...hard...but I shall try.
On a happier note I've started trying to read again. I really wanted to try and wade through Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince again. It's proving very slow going and the first few times I picked it up I woke up the next day with the room spinning and got some fairly bad vertigo. But the vertigo is getting less everytime I pick it up and I'm slowly getting through it. I just hope I don't end up sobbing my way through the last pages again...damn my emotionalness.
But Woot, I'm feeling really quite cheery at the moment. It is good!
chinese medicine,
harry potter,
benefits people,