Jun 20, 2007 16:38




Current Deck [LandOHMYGODRIKU]:










Up for trade!:


Trade Log:
August 05th: This is chrysa. Aki said it was fine so I'm going to take her Saturn01. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Traded Venus01 for Jupiter03 with elystia
July 31st: Got Flower 04, Solar 01, Crusnik 16, Cruxis 07 and Ruins 01 from freebie post.
Traded Crusnik 16, Flower 04 and Cruxis 07 for Venus 08, Light 08 and Flame 14 with elystia
June 29th: Guess the Seiyuu! Got Moon 12 and Sea 13.
Guess the card!
Guess the mystery card! Got Protect 13, Camelot 05, and choice card Land 03.
June 28th: Gave Elystia Shrimp 05.
Traded Land 14 for Land 16 with ainbthen
Traded Pizza 02 for Flame 16 with haruhara
Got Shrimp 05 for Flame 03 and 15 from aikodestiny
June 27th: Traded Nobody 04 for Land 14 with golden_bastet
June 26th: Traded Sky 14 for Venus 19 with get_in_get_out
Guess the birthday! Got Pizza 02 and Novel 05.
Anime Triva! Got Mars 06.
Guess the series! Got Sea 07, Venus 05, and Moon 19.
June 25th: Traded Sky 05 for Venus 15 with angelsanitarium
Guess the character! Guessed right and got Witch 15 and Sky 14.
Traded Sky 07 for Land 14 with get_in_get_out
Traded Chibi 09 for Venus 16 with lost_my_music
June 24th: Traded Coffee 18 for Land 15 with Blue-chan
Traded Pride 08 for Land 05 with vocalnomiko
Traded Light 13 for Venus 12 with princessaxel
Traded Mary 12 for Pride 08 with rini124
Traded Light 10 for Sea 11 with elystia
Freebie post, got Flame 12 and Nobody 04.
Distorted! Answered correctly, got Chibi 09 and Score 17.
Birthday Game, answered correctly, got Book 18 and Sky 05.
Guess the manga, answered correctly, got Nymph 03 and Nobody 11.
Anime Trivia, answered correctly, got Archer 14 and Light 10.
Traded Shrimp 09 for Sky 07 with elystia
Traded Mars 01 for Land 06 with rini124
Traded Rose 12 for Land 12 with vocalnomiko
Traded Mercury 20 for Shrimp 09 with haruhara
Traded Kira 04 for Rose 12 with lillula
June 23rd: Traded Nobody 15 for Land 18 with sin_alchemy
Got Mercury 20, Mars 01, Venus 01, Saturn 01, Kira 04, and Ashes 01 from freebie post.
Traded Witch 20 for Ice 12 with aikodestiny
Traded Hell 07 for Coffee 18 with froggster
Traded Shrimp 20 for Ice 05 with get_in_get_out
Traded Ice 05 and 12 for Land 09 and 10 with vocalnomiko
June 22nd: Got Sea 01 for a random card and was added to the list.
Traded Witch 19 for Land 01 with framedinblood
Traded Martyr 15 for Land 19 with heartlaced
Traded Nobody 16 for Land 17 with golden_bastet
Traded Shrimp 14 and Hell 20 for Flame 15 and Shrimp 20 with elystia
Traded Traitor 01 and 03 for Nobody 15 and Mary 12 with angelsanitarium
Joined by Friday, posted about seven random cards. Got Shrimp 14, Flame 03, Traitor 01, Witch 20, Land 02, Hell 20, Light 13.

June 21st: Put up all my starter cards~


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