since this is so far my only post i thought i'd just go ahead and edit it. for right now, this is probably going to be my only entry.
i really never have used lj for my journalling. i've always used <3 (i'm
seijitsu over there, btw) i like it better, but lj has more communities and people and most of my friends so here i am. once i get my dj cleaned up and updated, since i've been ignoring it for a couple years, i'll probably start posting copies of my dj entries en masse to sync this one up to my dj, and use both at once. if that makes sense..
i've left anonymous commenting as a possibility for those who don't have an lj, but please include your name if you must post pisses me off to no end because i can't read the intarwebs' mind, let alone yours even if its obvious i should know who you are.
anyway, i am active in a few communities, and anyone from said communities who comes by, feel free to comment here, i'll try and say hi back ^_^- be nice or i'll cut yo ass *whimpy attempt at being threatening*...
...*shot* ;D
<3 amanda