Spring break is already half over (GONE LIKE THE WIND, THE WIND) and I've done absolutely nothing. What happened to all the promises you made, self? What. happened.
I have been replaying Tales of Symphonia though, and while it's not exactly productive or conducive to anything, it does make me happy. Zelos joined my party yesterday and man, he is so sleazy. SO SLEAZY. I love making him my avatar because his personal is the greatest ever-- every girl he talks to gives him a gift! It's like I never have to buy restorative items again! What a womanizer.
I almost feel bad killing him just so Kratos will rejoin my party. Sorry, Zelos. You're not a bad guy, but. I want my 4000 year old mutant angel. 8(
I wanted to buy Persona 4 over the break but I said to myself, I said, "Self, no." So I didn't. See, I am getting better at this self-control business.
midnightdiddle informed me that the new KH game for the DS comes out August 30th-- two days after I arrive in Prague. Augh, Square, auuuuuugh why do you do this alsowhereismyff7remake D8
Also, who the heck has my Katamari games. I am feeling the need to roll things. Big things.
I hope you guys didn't just sit through this entire entry.