This break was probably the best ever. Not a whole lot happened, but i did a whole lot of nothing with my friends which made it great. i can't even remember very much of it....
- staying home only one night
- my birthday dinner...rock climbing... the biker...
- the dip!!!
- lots of movies
- eating everything in sarahs house
- smores, coffee ice cream, tiki torches, paddle boats
- 2 football games
- a wedding dress
- parks, talks, and the trust triangle lol
- cabin in WV
- secret missions with my whores
- corn maze, kimberly story, chocolate chip cookies
- losing card games
- my one night stand!
- a party
- the drive in's w/6 girls and an arnold in one car
- some TPing adventures
- being 18 and not growing up
- side ponytails, ducks and cameras
- sweatshirt kidnapping
- dinner, losing my cheesecake (i'm still bitter about that)
well thats all i can think of. hope everyone had fun these last 2 weeks.
too bad its over.
Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure? Remember, you must use it, as it is given only once. Once wasted you cannot get it back.