Mar 27, 2005 23:18
These last few days have more than made up for the boringness of break.
On Friday, Brianna and I went to Mary's to dye Easter eggs!!! heck yes! and we decided that Mary's cats (#1, #2, #3) eat bunnies and eggs. Guess what!! we discovered the use of those little plastic things that u find in egg dying kits!!! talent i tell you! Then we had fondue and made a huge mess when a 10 lb. bag of chocolate chips got dumped on a hot stove... but have no fear, we cleaned it up.... kinda.... We put on some super cool patriotic tattoos and had way too much fun showing everyone that night. then we left and went to Albertson's to visit my favorite Jeff. That, darlings, is when the fun began. He got us a lighter muhaha and we met Brandon, Brad, Hall, and Jon at Brad's house, got Brandon a present at Albertson's, and drove out to Hunt Highway where we almost found a dead body with a cell phone and BLEW STUFF UP!!! it was super cool lol, but realized we needed something.... BIGGER. Thats when we got the M 80's and almost lit the field on fire. good times.
Saturday night Laura and I went out to Cold Stone and got some smoothies cuz Brianna and Robert too over 2 hours to go PUTT PUTTING! but thats ok, cuz i got to hear an awesome song by the scissor sisters ~goooorgeous!~ and dance in the car with Laura. Finally got them, and met Sarah and Brad there and we all went to Jeff's. highlights: sarah and i playing the pushing game... continually falling over...., brianna downing BOTH smoothies, the dog/horse, mass exodus from his house, finding travis, going down the firepole!!!, guy in the doorway with a flashlight and gun, getting margarita mix for Brianna.
Today was Easter! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! after the whole family dinner thing i picked up Mary, we got gas (heck yes!) and met Sarah, Brad, Jon, and Laura at the park where we played one crazy game of capture the flag. but sadly we all almost died, so we had three legged races when we met some drunk kids who didnt believe we actually did it while sober. Then off to taco bell, to the drive through with sarah on the hood, cold stone, Basha's, TPing Brianna, Brad jumping out of the car while its moving randomly, back to finish off Briannas because of neighbors, hunting for Laura's keys, finding them under TP in Brianna's yard, almost burning down Brianna's house, then finally going home. It was one crazy night!! but i LOVED it!
~The only reason God didnt make us sisters is because one mom couldnt handle all five of us~
~May you never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in each other's arms. If you must steal, steal a kiss. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink with your friends.~
WiTh KiSsEs,