Things that Go Bump in the Night [2/5]

Jan 20, 2010 23:31

Title: Things that Go Bump in the Night [2/5]
Author: moi
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: AU
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter
Disclaimer: SME owns pretty boys and I own words. Talk about unfairness.
Summary: Kibum's eyes snap open for precisely the twelfth night in a row. He kind of just lays there, fingers clutching the sheets, eyes not even blinking.
A/N: I know this is so short! I'm saving up words for something huge I'll probably end up writing [/lame excuse #348] How do you guys feel about 10k-word-long fairy tales? lol /facepalm

Kibum's eyes snap open for precisely the twelfth night in a row. He kind of just lays there, fingers clutching the sheets, eyes not even blinking.

It's been almost two weeks since he moved in. Two weeks of meeting every single resident of the building. Two weeks of accepting fond glances and hand-made cookies from 99% of the female population in vicinity. Two weeks of waking up at ass-crack of dawn just to listen as that dude makes every possible woman in the town happy. Doesn't he ever get tired?

This time, though, this time is different. Of all the chicks Jonghyun's brought home, she wins the cake for most vocal one, Kibum must give her that.

"What is this," he mumbles to himself as he sits oh his bed. The clock on the nightstand flashes 03:57 and Kibum sighs. Knowing Jonghyun's patent, all this is not going to be over until half past four (Jonghyun's a good one, Kibums admits, and tries to block out his moans. Distracting).

This has to stop, he thinks and eventually stands up, his feet dragging him to the bathroom. He finds out his hair is messed up, but not in an unattractive way, so he decides to let it be. He forgets to turn the bathroom light off when he gets out. The only thing he does before exiting the apartment is put his slippers on and grab his keys.

He fully wakes up some seconds later, and freezes on the stairs for only a millisecond, before reminding himself there's no turning back now. Stomping his way through the hall identical to his, he stops in front of 504. If he thought the noise was loud, now it's deafening.

He doesn't knock. He bangs.

Every sound pauses immediately, and it almost convinces him everything was in his head to begin with, until the door opens.

What he's greeted with is Jonghyun (no surprise, there), face flushed and hair ruffled. He's also naked waist-up, by the way, sweating like a motherfucker. Kibum denies feeling like sliding his hand over the skin displayed.

"Are you gonna stop that?" he forcefully asks, eyes trying to focus on the other's face, not that it makes much difference.

Jonghyun leans against the door frame, arms crossing over his chest. Baaaaaw. "Are you jealous cause you're not getting any?" he cheekily says, smirk dancing on his features.

Kibum rolls his eyes, sticking his hip out. "If there's anything I'm not getting, that's sleep," he snaps. "Sleep, which you and you ladies have been depriving me of," he stops and puts on his sweetest smile as he leans sideways, waving at the girl on the bed over Jonghyun's shoulder. She awkwardly waves back as she covers more of herself. Slut. "So would you be kind enough to either kick out or gag that sweetheart?" he requests with the most sugary tone ever registered.

Jonghyun's eyes widen for a second, and if the tongue moistening his lips is any indication, he's ready to reply, but Kibum doesn't give him that much.

"Thank you," he adds and grins once more before taking his leave, making sure to add just a hint of swaying while he walks. He hears the door close with a small delay, and runs down the stairs to his flat.

It's not like he sleeps, actually. He just spends the rest of the dawn smirking to himself, not only at the lack of noise, but at acknowledging that bitch running down the street. He wouldn't admit having stayed by the window just to see that, but it actually happened.


The following morning he's a tad too energetic, considering he didn't rest at all, but it doesn't really concern him. He's dressed to impress, working them skinny jeans and light green tank top, purse pocketing the money needed for grocery shopping. He locks behind him and manages to reach the ground floor when the slow creaking of a door makes him freeze in his tracks and turn around cautiously.

"Mr. Choi!" he exclaims, faux excitement evident in his grin and tone. The owner-slash-janitor-slash-ghost of the building just fully steps into the lobby, getting out of whatever that is. The sign on the door says "Staff Only", but Kibum thinks it's stupid, thinking how nobody else works here. Or so he thinks. Well, he's only seen Minho once or twice during his first days here.

"Hope everything's good for you," he says, almost sweat-dropping, and watches as the man stuffs his hands into his pockets. I'm so getting evicted.

The man nods. "How about you?" he asks and Kibum is surprised to hear him talk, but too creeped out to show it.

"All is fine, all fine," he awkwardly responds and really, really would appreciate any kind of distraction right now.

"On good terms with everyone, yes?" he says and Kibum watches as the faintest of smiles appears on his lips. Now that's creepy.

"Definitely, Mr. Choi," he replies and is cut off by the sound of the main entrance opening. Any kind of distraction. His head snaps around to see none other than Jonghyun, smiling at the two while approaching them. "Especially with... Jjong here," he says and ever goes as far as wrapping an arm around the other's shoulders. Which looks dead-awkward, by the way, but that doesn't matter. He knows Minho can smell the fear on him, anyway.

"Of course," Jonghyun pipes in as if having been listening from the start. "We're buddy buds," he says with a smile, and Kibum feels a pinch on his ass as soon as that sentence is over. He almost yelps, but does his best to -poorly- disguise it as a chuckle.

"Good to know," Minho says after a few moments of observing and goes back to that personnel only room, disappearing slowly like these creeps in the movies.

What the fuck! Kibum mouths at Jonghyun before pushing him away, once they're alone again.

"Gee, sorry for saving your newbie ass," he replies, hands coming up in defense, and Kibum kind of wants to point that wasn't exactly what he was doing to it, but alright. He watches as the blond pushes the elevator button. "Hope there was no extra disturbance, last night," he says cockily, and there's something about his expression that makes Kibum smirk in response.

"Oh, none at all," he replies with that kind of air he's supposed to have and the last thing he sees is a smile, before finally managing to leave the block of flats behind him.

He's barely some feet away before thumbing his mobile phone's buttons hastily.
get ur ass over here! :|

!fic, ♥jongkey

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